wolffoe • PM |
Mar 23, 2010 6:53 AM
![]() Posts: 6 |
Hi Guys,
I played in the ERA server last night. Wow! Your all soooo good at rails. I'll need more practice to compete against you lot. I posted this thread in our old forum. There are a lot of players out there who have been playing quake for years. I've got to know a lot of friends without knowing how they got to play quake. So I posted this thread about me in the hope that I'd get to know more about the players I compete against. Just some background on me and Quake. What about the rest of you!!! 1. How long have you played Quake? I first started playing quake about 2001 / 2002. I first bought Quake 2. PLayed that for about a year then bought Quake 3. 2. Who's the first player you can remember playing from the clan? For me it was Pho2 (Phil). He was a very good player then (still is now). Its because of him that I'm playing Elite'z. 3. What was your first clan? I first joined <LxG> clan. The clan didn't last long since the guy running it shut it down. Afterwards I started playing on the Elite'z server. Never left since. 4. Who is the best player you've ever seen play the game or have played against? For me its FUBAR. His stats say it for themselves. But he's one hell of a player!! 5. What made you choose Quake as a game? Just luck for me. Was in PC World and thought I'd give it a go. In fact got the wife to buy me it as a christmas present. God does she regret that now!! 6. What would you like to see the clan do differently? For me, I can't think of anything really. Maybe try and attract more players into the arena. It'd be good to see 10 or more players at any one time. 7. What's your favourite map? Any map with BFG's!!! 8. Do any of your family play Quake? I've tried to recruit my nephews, but to no avail. I've even tried to get my brother to play, but he prefers tactical games like Dune and Roman Empire etc. 9. If you could upgrade your system in any way to improve the enjoyment of the game, what would you do? Get better broadband connection. Sky is awful. Might upgrade to Virgin at some point. 10. What annoys you when you play the game? People bad mouthing players. There's no need to keep swearing or slagging people off. 11. How would you like to help the Elitez clan? I'll help in any way I can. I regularly donate funds to the server. And continue to be loyal to the clan. 12. Lastly, why do you play on the Elitez servers? Why did you join the clan? Meeting up with good friends. The pace of the game. The fact that I'm still learning new tricks after 8 years!!! What about you guys. |
drukqs • PM |
Mar 29, 2010 8:26 AM
![]() Posts: 10 |
Hello there!
I just noticed this thread so I post a reply! 1. How long have you played Quake? I first played Quake 3 when it has been released back in 1999-2000, and I had played Quake 1 and 2 already 2. Who's the first player you can remember playing from the clan? FUBAR! hehe I could never forget the spankings I have been subjected to 3. What was your first clan? ERA! :p 4. Who is the best player you've ever seen play the game or have played against? I couldn't say... There has been so many of them, it would depend on mods (vq3, cpm, iffa, ctf...) If I had to pick a good ex+ railer on dm17 I think it would be zap 5. What made you choose Quake as a game? So many things make Quake the best FPS game ever in my opinion: physics, weapons, lots of mods, skillful game, FUN FACTOR! 6. What would you like to see the clan do differently? I don't think there would be anything to change, everyone is kind and friendly, it's all about fun and that's perfect this way. 7. What's your favourite map? Again, it would depend on mods, but on ex+ instagib, I'd say DM17 hehe (surprising? :p) 8. Do any of your family play Quake? Nope, but fortunately most of my close friends do! 9. If you could upgrade your system in any way to improve the enjoyment of the game, what would you do? I don't need anything more/better, I'm well-equiped enough ...oh wait, yes! BEEEEERS! :p 10. What annoys you when you play the game? CHEATERS. 11. How would you like to help the Elitez clan? I try to help the best I can, I report problems, kick the cheaters and help the players everytime I can. 12. Lastly, why do you play on the Elitez servers? Why did you join the clan? Elitez servers are the servers where I've spent the most time and had the most fun, that's enough for me to feel honoured to be one of you! I definately found good places to have fun and chill with cool people! Cheers!
Last edited by: drukqs Mar 29, 2010 8:29 PM