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1v1 Tournament
Apr 07, 2011 9:24 AM
Non-member Joined: May 02, 2010
Posts: 90
DK and X4X arranged jointly 1v1 tournament on this saturday.
It will be knock out tournament and from every clan only 1 player will go to fight there.

It will b 4 minutes Match, the leading scorer will win and other will be knocked out.
No hacking, abusing and camping is allowed.
Only one person from clan will come to addressed IP for a match.

There will be 4 groups and three stages.
Initially 2 from every group will be knock out.
2 from each group will go further to play quarter Finals
In quarter Finals 1 from each group will b eliminated and other will go to semi finals.
After semi finals,there will b finals.
Initials Matches
Group A

1= x4x vs ea
2= Amx vs Khan

Group B
1= FC vs Junoon
2= BP vs MK

Group C
1= DW vs MH
2= i10x vs Xgn

Group D
1= DK vs GM
2= C4k vs HDK

Quater Finals

Group A1 Vs Group B2
Group B1 vs Group A2

Group C1 vs Group D2
Group D1 vs Group C1

Semi Finals

Group A vs Group C
Group B vs Group D

To be Decided

Management : X4X Beast lord( awaise) 03326292476

::DK:: Major Musa(Musa)