Premios: Top #1 admin x 30 dias. Top #2 admin x 15 dias. Top #3 Ad,im x 7 dias. Comienza el 1 de cada mes. Finaliza el 15 de cada mes!. NOTA: los actuales admin no participan! y el orden no altera el resultado. "si un admin esta de primero se tomara al 2do como guia" Prohibido el uso de cualquier tipo de sheat. ===================================================================== EVENT TOP 15 Awards: Top # 1 admin x 30 days. Top # 2 admin x 15 days. Top # 3 Ad, im x 7 days. Started the 1st of each month. Ends the 15th of each month!. NOTE: the current admin not involved! and the order does not alter the result. "if an admin is to first take the 2nd as a guide" Prohibited the use of any kind of sheat.
Posted by svalerys
Sep 26, 2013 9:25 AM