Play Custom Maps=]
Category: General Discussion |
Jul 22, 2012 11:54 AM |
Play Custom Maps=]
Category: General Discussion |
Jul 20, 2012 11:15 PM |
Play Custom Maps=]
Category: General Discussion |
Jul 20, 2012 10:45 PM |
Play Custom Maps=]
Category: General Discussion |
Jul 20, 2012 8:24 PM |
Tell their friends who wish get into some clan for so the team grow more/Avisenle a amigos que deseen entrar a algun clan para que asi el clan cresca y sea mejor en distintos juegos |
Esto es mas que nada para tener mas amistades en el clan y el juego. se comensara a tener algun video de varios jugadores si desean subirlo o publicarlo si desean creare una cuenta en youtube del clan en el cual todos puedan subir videos, si es aprobado esta propuesta les dare a todos la contraseña del canal para el clan asi no dependeran de mi jaja y podran subirlo a todas horas el dia que quieran o tengan tiempo me despido de ustedes Lider de clan y Amigo :Rayden Wolf This is more than anything to have more friends in the clan and the game. are beginning to have some video of several players if they want to upload it or publish it if you want to create an account on youtube of the clan in which everyone can upload videos, if this proposal is adopted they dare to all the password for the channel for the so clan does not depend of my haha and you can upload it at all hours the day that they want or have time I leave your clan leader and friend : Raiden Wolf
Posted by hakxone
Jan 11, 2012 3:04 PM
PẪŊĐ∑MîĈ "Founder" |
√èŇðM [PẪŊĐ∑MîĈ]
PẪŊĐ∑MîĈ "Founder" |
ßǾҲҳ¥ [PẪŊĐ∑MîĈ]
PẪŊĐ∑MîĈ "Admin" |
Survivor |
-=IKE=- [PẪŊĐ∑MîĈ]
Survivor |
Arks DePRedAdOR [PẪŊĐ∑MîĈ]
Survivor |
Nana Osaki [PẪŊĐ∑MîĈ]
Survivor |
Survivor |
☣A̵͞Ƶa҉m͠i̷͝☣ [PẪŊĐ∑MîĈ]
Master-Survivor |
Master-Survivor |
[fc] [PẪŊĐ∑MîĈ]
Master-Survivor |
VectoR [PẪŊĐ∑MîĈ]
"Cambia tu nick a tu gusto [PẪŊĐ∑MîĈ]
Lesdie [PẪŊĐ∑MîĈ]
Commander Hokage [PẪŊĐ∑MîĈ]
Co-Survivor |
There are no servers assigned to this clan. |
Simples reglas, saber como funciona el juego y saber lo basico de el respetarse mutuamente fundamental claro, si deseas entrar al clan mandame una invitacion y hablare con los demas integrantes y tal ves entres te doy el 90% de que entraras LOl. Eso es todo y que viva el VICIO!!!!! Opinion para una nueva regla hablar con Rayden-wolf. Nueva regla:saber hablar ingles o español para entrar. Simple rules, learn how the game and know the basics of mutual respect fundamental course, if you want to join the clan send me an invitation and talk with other members and perhaps you see enter give you 90% of that LOl you walking. That's all and living Vice! Opinion for a new rule to speak with Raiden-wolf new rule: know speak English or Spanish something fundamental to enter |
Game | Rank |
Left 4 Dead | 6 |
Left 4 Dead 2 | 26 |
Team Fortress 2 | 36 |