supapollo • PM |
Mar 10, 2011 1:51 PM
![]() Posts: 42 |
check it out... and this is ancient but unfortunately all too relevant....
Last edited by: supapollo Mar 17, 2011 10:43 AM
jewbakka • PM |
Mar 19, 2011 1:57 AM
![]() Posts: 4 |
Dats pretty deep man. Argh! {toke toke} Too lazy to read. LOL
supapollo • PM |
Mar 28, 2011 1:43 AM
![]() Posts: 42 |
just listened to this, messed up... |
supapollo • PM |
Apr 11, 2011 11:30 AM
![]() Posts: 42 |
Obama said that the war on drugs is over - but the DEA raided at least 28 medical marijuana dispensaries in March alone! With growing momentum in favor of legalization, now is our chance to tell our legislators: No More Drug War! Send your letter now. Scott Carrier's Hearing Voices episode on crime in Juarez: other relevant stuff... Soap box rant: Seriously what is the drug war? Criminalizing a lot of non violent behavior so they can stuff prisons they keep building, creating a culture of violence around the drug trade which rips apart civil society in Mexico/Latin America and yes, here in the US too... If there was as much focus on stimulating the economies in Latin America and around the world in positive ways, THAT would be the way to combat drugs... but first of course, you have to have some imagination to see brighter possibilities and must care about what happens to people who are not billionaires... build schools not prisons |
supapollo • PM |
May 09, 2011 11:08 PM
![]() Posts: 42 |
f'd up.... |
bossplayer • PM |
May 11, 2011 8:31 PM
![]() Posts: 507 |
Yup, I got a dog in this fight. And I'm pissed!
Was gonna do armed security for a dispensery in Seattle. Actually a couple of them. I have my own "small business" and I would've hired at least 2 employees.... until the gargoyle governor of Washington state vetoed most of the bill that would have protected law-abiding, TAX-PAYING citizens. The 2 U.S. Attorneys General in Washington state told the governor that the bill in its current form would have made state government employees violate federal law when they licensed these dispenseries. So, they gutted the bill. We can't hurt the precious government worker. His union might not contribute to demoncrats in the next election! ![]() I don't want any drug legalized. None. (There are MANY reasons why) But the voters of Washington state legalized medical marijuana and these dispenseries are following the regulations to the T! Paying fees, getting licenses, permits, making sure they're Non-profit, etc. Didn't matter. Like SuperChicken said, dispenseries are being raided in states that say they're legal!?!?! WTF?! Just another example of government not giving 2 shits what The People want. Sometimes I really hate Washington... both of them! - Friedrich Nietzsche |
supapollo • PM |
Jul 01, 2011 1:21 PM
![]() Posts: 42 |
A New Bill to End Federal Marijuana Prohibition: Boss, you don't want any drug legalized? your handle is Sir Puffsalot...??? I don't want crack and heroin handed out to kids, but weed being illegal for adults is just goofy. |