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Forum Home > General Discussion > Smokey here
Smokey here
May 30, 2011 9:39 PM
Non-member Joined: May 30, 2011
Posts: 2
Hey everyone! Just thought I would stop in and say hello and tell ya all something about me.

I live in West Virginia. Like wood working, motorcycling (don't have a bike at present-need to fix that), hunting, shooting, collecting guns, etc. Work in manufacturing, some of you may be driving what I helped build.

Born on Halloween and do have a brother named Michael Myers........

Oh, I did have a Rottweiller named Smokey, hence my name. One of the best dogs I ever had.

Smokey the RoTT
May 31, 2011 7:47 AM
-=ARP=-Beatle Bailey Founder - Joined: Jun 08, 2008
Posts: 37
Welcome RoTT

Glad to hve you join us here
Keep running and ducking

May 31, 2011 9:14 PM
-=ARP=-Peacefulwarrior {A} RIP - Joined: May 04, 2011
Posts: 8
Hey smokey..
Nice to hear from you.
Rottweillers get a bad rap. With the proper owners they can be wonderful dogs. My own pouch bless her soul was Brandee, a 120 lb 6 foot long when (stretched out) golden lab. She had a bark that could chill blood, but was wonderful with kids. She was our life guard at the lake. She would bark if the little ones tried to take off their life jackets and would go out and get them if they drifted out from shore. So obviously they did at every opportunity and she would go out and they would grab on and she would bring them back to shore.
Dogs are love machines.
I miss my girl...