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Ban Appeal (Watt)
May 05, 2021 1:06 AM
Non-member Joined: May 05, 2021
Posts: 1
Hi all, this is Watt. I've been a regular on the server weekday nights from 11PM ET on. I enjoy the ARP server. I like the map rotation, I like the people. Unfortunately, today I was banned for "cheating/exploits".

The fact is I don't cheat, I don't use *any* exploits of any kind. And I really do mean absolutely none. My DOD:S setup is 100% stock. I've never touched lerp. I've *never quick switched (I mostly play MG and I usually forget I even have a pistol).

As far as other reasons I could be banned, I can't think of any. I'm respectful to everyone. I apologize for TKs when they happen and don't give people a hard time for accidentally TKing me. I observe server rules. I'll joke around with people who joke around with me, but never in a mean way. I don't think anyone can honestly say that I've done anything to merit a ban.

If there's been some misunderstanding, I'm more than happy to address it.
Last edited by: watt_dods May 05, 2021 1:18 AM
May 12, 2021 1:13 AM
-=ARP=-Beatle Bailey Founder - Joined: Jun 08, 2008
Posts: 37
Taken Care of -
Just be carefull