Minor Site Updates |
Today I did a lot of basic site maintenance. Fixing broken links, updating incorrect and outdated information, and so on. I will be doing a few more site updates over the next few days. I am currently taking recommendations for new maps to add to the new DJSDE City Maps 4.1 TDM server. So far I have only added 1 map, ut4_paris_beta_3. It's a pretty cool map. Very nice looking. Although it really seems to be designed more for CTF, I think it plays TDM fairly well. Map and nextmap votes are disabled on the server but you can still do cyclemap votes. I'm also looking into new ways to "pimp out" our QuakeNet IRC channel, #digitalempire so if you have any ideas let me know. That's really about all for today so I'm gonna hop offof here and hop onto the new TDM server. -DJ Schuby "The Digital Emperor" From [url]djschuby.net
Posted by djschuby
Apr 22, 2009 5:30 PM