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Our Server!
1. Racist/sexist comments could result in that person being KICKED or BANNED.

2. ALL |FA| servers are "Noob" friendly. Please DO NOT poll to have someone kicked just because they are new to the game. You may find yourself being the one kicked instead. Everyone who plays was once new. Please help them learn and have some patience with them.

3. ANY attempt to use rcon will result in a PERMANENT BAN that will not be lifted.

4. ANY impersonation of a clan member or admin will result in a PERMANENT BAN.

5. ANY use of the |FA| tag in your name if you are not a clan member may result in a PERMANENT BAN.

6. Recruiting or constant advertising of any other clan or server on any |FA| servers is STRICTLY prohibited and may result in a ban.

7. Using hacks or any form of "cheating" (ie: aimbots, exploiting bugs) will result in a PERMANENT BAN.

8. Any unnecessary Teamkilling may result in being kicked or banned. The decisions on purpose repeat teamkilling behaviour will be discussed by the |FA| Admins and server mods and a time frame of banning will be decided and enforced by them.

9. Spawn camping/killing is STRICTLY prohibited. Repeat offenders WILL be kicked or banned as Admin/mods discretion.

10. |FA| Clan members are not to undermine a Server Admin or an |FA| Admin.

11. Use of a dynamic ip to circumvent a ban will result in a PERMANENT BAN, as well as a SUBNET BAN.

12. Flooding of any type is STRICTLY prohibited. This includes bind spamming (public, private, and team). Violation of this rule may result in a player being muted.

13. Rude, disruptive and/or obnoxious players WILL BE REMOVED from the servers (at admin discretion)

All decisions on banning and kicking, and interpretation of guidelines, are subject to the |FA| Admins/server admins/mods discretion at the time of the incident.

Thank you and see you on the server!
Nov 04, 2008 5:52 PM
There are no servers assigned to this clan.
About Us
Fallin-Angels started out as a small Soldat clan in 2006 with one server; the original |FA| Decaying Zombie server. The site and clan were created by Damien, Spidey and DragonHeart, who are still active to this day. Along with the further help of all the global moderators, Senior Soldat Member Gyler Gunner and the many Site and Server Moderators. Since |FA|'s early days, the clan and the site members have seen many changes to both the servers and the site. The member base started with only four or five members, including the Admins, and has grown to what it has become today.

(we currently have 703 total registered players and of witch 75 are |FA| clan members and 59 are |FA| Urban terror clan members)
February March 2025 April
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World Rank
2302nd out of 141984
Game Rank
Urban Terror Urban Terror 9
TeamSpeak 3 TeamSpeak 3 188