konazo • PM |
Dec 14, 2016 4:54 PM
![]() Posts: 145 |
So long has gone since FTX was shut down, that I alone cannot remember all the history as I was not here from the start. I was however able to salvage this old forum post by |FTX|Thunder from 2010 that sums up part of the golden days of FearTriX. Maybe someone will enjoy reading it at least!
![]() -zz "Dear members, It has been almost 5 years now since the FTX clan was founded by One_Blood. Since then, our clan has been through many phases. From the end of 2009 onwards, our clan has returned in FEAR and has steadily gained strength and recognition due to the values that characterise us. I believe that as a clan we have reached a point where the road ahead is no longer bumpy. For this I would like to personally thank each one of you for your contribution to our success. Even by being one of us and playing on our server you have taken us one step closer to where we are. I would also like to thank people like /ACF/Headshot for his technical help during our return and =MXT=Fred.cpp for his important help with server content. A big thank you to the whole of the =MXT= clan for their help when we were pilot testing the CTF >MAX< server. I have been priviledged to see the clan reach its current status and contribute from all aspects. Fortunately and unfortunately, the clan has outgrown its creators, Thunder and One_Blood. Administation of our clan has now become almost a part time job for me! Despite me enjoying this, the rest of the responsibilities are suffering. I therefore thought that it would be great to set-up roles inside the clan. What better way of getting the members involved in their own clan? The feeling of contributing to your team and sharing a piece of the success pie cannot be described, take it from me. In this thread, I will be posting positions that are becoming available in our clan. This will be a continuous process on my behalf. Some positions will require more than one member to be fully functional. Examples of these postions are: Event organiser, Content Design Team, Recruitment Officer, Server Administrator, Strategy Team, etc. My role will be to supervise and coordinate the various positions as well as set the long term direction of our clan and resolve and issues that arise on the way. This is not an attempt to form a hierarchy in the clan. This is against what we stand for as a clan, not to mention that I am personally disgusted by it. Other big clans have done so in the past only to fail their members miserably. All members in FTX are equal, myself included. The requirements and job description for each role will be given with the job offering itself. Generally, a basic level of English is required so that the different teams can communicate with each other and with me. You are allowed to take on more than one role and you are not required to keep it forever if you are not happy with it. To apply for a position with status 'Open', please submit your application to |FTX|Thunder (me) via PM. Having a position bears a certain degree of responsibility. Your excellence in performing the task you applied for will be directly reflected in the status of our clan! I expect perfection, nothing less. Your application should reflect that. If the position is marked as 'Closed' then you cannot apply for it. I will make sure you receive any training is required to perform the roles of each position and help you overcome any issues you might encounter. You are welcome to PM me any position you would like me to consider adding. This thread will be kept locked to ensure that the above application process is followed. See you in game, Alex" |
saw77 • PM |
Sep 12, 2020 3:35 PM
![]() Posts: 147 |
I miss old rivalry between |TGS| and |FTX| , with respect to who will read this |TGS|sAw
konazo • PM |
Oct 15, 2020 5:46 PM
![]() Posts: 145 |
Hey sAw! Its been ages! I miss the rivalry too and all the great hours spent in F.E.A.R.! Do you play at all anymore?