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?Other Hobbies?
Jun 25, 2009 2:34 PM
HuntDown Member - Joined: Oct 07, 2008
Posts: 247 of the hobbies must be UT =) (or playing less or more similar video games) but it is the only way to waste your time?

how about the other hobbies?


here is the old "other hobbies" thread. it will be deleted soon

Copy your posts down here in the new one. or i will copy them all under my nickname

Last edited by: huntdown Jun 25, 2009 2:41 PM
Jun 25, 2009 2:35 PM
HuntDown Member - Joined: Oct 07, 2008
Posts: 247
- for example, i enjoy 3D studio MAX (3d modelling program). having fun working in it.
Jun 25, 2009 3:47 PM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
huntdown wrote:
- for example, i enjoy 3D studio MAX (3d modelling program). having fun working in it.

Just as a hobby? I thought that was your job… O_o

I for myself really loves videogames. It's something I know very much about. If someone goes with me into a store to take a look or buy a game, then I can tell him probably everything about the game, the gameplay, compare it to other games, tell him about the developer, about the behaviour of the publisher, if it's worth it's money compared to the playtime and so on.
I am afraid of myself sometimes how much I can say about something, if I really know my stuff.

Other hobbies are movies and books, but I am not such a big cineast or reader though. Depens on the media itself. "The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy" is one of my favorite books, but I also like those by Dan Brown, or "Level 9" by Jeffrey Deaver.

And I am a fan of parody and cabaret.

And Karate, because something you have to do, if you have so much to do with computers.
Also I like to educate myself with the internet, for example I learned Java, Ruby and UnrealScript all in the internet (of course I am still learning). Internetforums like this, but much bigger also keep me up to date and are always nice for having fun or find someone if you need help.

I also like to help others on the internet, or to contribute my part to bigger Web 2.0-projects, than simple YouTube-videos.
For example the mapping in Unreal, but also things like the Minecraft-game, or now a RPG on which I am working with 14 other people (in german).

And I also like, same as Peg, gamemusic.
Some of my favorites:
Vista Point from Gothic 3

Nerevar Rising from TES III: Morrowind

Main Theme from Mafia

Sanctuary from Kingdom Hearts 2 (soundtrack by Utada Hikaru for the game)

Still Alive from Portal

Salias Song from Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Main Theme from Zelda: The Windwaker
Jun 25, 2009 3:53 PM
HuntDown Member - Joined: Oct 07, 2008
Posts: 247
this is the manta which i own =) one of the newest 3d "projects"

Last edited by: huntdown Jun 25, 2009 3:54 PM
Jun 25, 2009 5:56 PM
HuntDown Member - Joined: Oct 07, 2008
Posts: 247
hekamephi says:
Reading, going out, throwing a boomerang, hits me in the face from time to time.
"Heka made his boomerang come back... it worked!"


m-knell says:
Hunt, did you model this manta by yourself? And what render did you use btw?

I work in TV, busy with motion graphics and TV-design. And hobby... well, can i called movies and sci-fi books hoobies?


thomasito says:
y'all are nerds... haha... j/k

when i'm not studying I like to chill in parks, play sports (any kind of ball sports basically, mostly basketball and beach volleyball) and enjoy the sun outside...
what is more, I'm totally into riding my motorbike (Honda CBR), thus can only do this occasionally due to other appointments... like dating girls.

well and the rest of my spare time is spent w/ my friends... social contacts are the essence to life... just wanted to deepen this convo a bit


m4v1 says:
damn i dont have hobbies

Last edited by: huntdown Jun 25, 2009 5:59 PM
Jun 25, 2009 5:57 PM
HuntDown Member - Joined: Oct 07, 2008
Posts: 247
pegasus says:
Randomly listed:

- I'm an computer science university student with a focus on internet trends, technologies and issues related to communication, privacy, intrusion, piracy, etc. My undergrad dissertation was about internet delinquency and lawlessness .

- I'm sort of a sponge for any sorts of scientific facts and knowledge that I get curious about. I've read texts, papers, magazines and webpages on subjects from physics, chemical engineering, social sciences, microbiology, medicine, philosophy to... well, pretty much whatever strikes my fancy.

- I've been an avid gamer since I was 5 and I got my first home console (Atari 2600), then moved on to NES, SNES and, finally, a PC in 1992. Similarly to Crusha, I know a lot about the videogame industry, the publishers, the developers, gaming history, figureheads, analysts, political issues, economic growth and such. Parallel to that general interest, I'm into performance gaming (speedrunning, TASes, stunting in games like GTA:VC and so on, fragvids). Mostly care about FPSes, RTSes, racing, platformers, shmups (classic, undying love <3!) and only RPGs that have to do with Fallout. Arcade and console emulation interest me too.

- I follow news on local and world politics (I even watch US political satire shows like the Daily Show and the Colbert Report), alternative news streams like about p2p/scene/web issues I care about.

- I watch very little besides the news on my TV anymore, but, like most ppl these days, I do watch a lot of US/UK shows from torrents. I occassionally go catch a movie on the big screen, but I mostly download whatever I'm interested in now. I appreciate quality action, sci-fi and mystery movies, I like noire films particularly, also brilliant humour like that of the Monty Python's and Douglas Adams'. On TV, I look for shows with good production values, like Lost, BSG, Heroes, House, ER, Top Gear UK. I enjoy, promote and keep in my HDDs good quality short video productions made by small groups or lone digital artists as well (remind me to link you some later).

- My tastes in music are pretty typical with the addition of electronica and trance; I'm also into videogame (VG) music and VG remixes (have several GBs of those in my collection).

- I tinker with stuff on my OS all the time: I break programs out of installers without actually installing them and making games truly cross-computer protable in that way, I use programs like ResHacker to modify XP dlls to improve functionality in programs or solve issues that annoy me, I've learned the winXP registry structure inside and out, I fiddle with DOS batch scripting, trying various experiments with javascript in my test html pages just to see how far my knowledge of JS goes (otherwise, I'm a pretty lousy programmer, unfortunately... I mainly wish I knew my way around ASM). I know a lot about animated gif making, audio and video encoding, decompiling various kinds of files and some other hacking-related things.

- I've had a driver's license for 5 years now but don't own a car (city's big but strangely nice and small enough to entice you to walk around or commute by bus)

- I'm not much into playing sports or social/outside activities (summertime swimming being the exception), I'm borderline unsocial and try to limit interactions with other people if it's not related to the university or shopping for the house.

- I like beer and vodka, whisky sucks!

That's about all I can think of. If you've made it this far, you deserve a cookie!
Last edited by: huntdown Jun 25, 2009 5:58 PM
Jun 25, 2009 5:58 PM
HuntDown Member - Joined: Oct 07, 2008
Posts: 247
huntdown says:
peeg, now can i have the whole cookie pls? ok i will buy myself one. =)
u have to love us, `coz usually u dont talk about yourself. (jk)

peg: "computer science university student with a focus on internet trends, technologies and issues related to communication, privacy, intrusion, piracy, etc. My undergrad dissertation was about internet delinquency and lawlessness" <- now we know why are u so sceptic by posting your info on the internet :\ anyway maybe u are just a little paranoiac.

glad to hear all theset things about u


m-knell says:
Wow, Pegasus, where do you find such amount of time? Freetime is rather big problem for me, despite the fact that my job isnt take too much time.
By the way, trance - is my favorite music style And i can called this hobby too: i like to go to the big trance fests and open-airs with massive line-ups and dance and jump all night long

Last edited by: huntdown Jun 25, 2009 5:59 PM
Jun 25, 2009 6:13 PM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
thomasito wrote:
y'all are nerds... haha... j/k

You can't say that by this, you have to specify:

This is my result:

Jun 26, 2009 7:44 PM
HuntDown Member - Joined: Oct 07, 2008
Posts: 247
"m-knell wrote:

Hunt, did you model this manta by yourself? And what render did you use btw?

I work in TV, busy with motion graphics and TV-design. And hobby... well, can i called movies and sci-fi books hoobies?

yes m-knell, i did it all by myself. using 3ds max, and for rendering the v-ray engine... for the model, had no blueprints of it had to start the game and create some screenshots on side, top and front view... so hard to create it with that screenshots. it have not the right proportions, but it is ok (by the way, i wanted to create the ut3 model, not the ut2k4).

and what about your motion graphics and tv design? tell us more. (or PM me)
Last edited by: huntdown Jun 26, 2009 7:51 PM
Jul 01, 2009 5:02 AM
M-knell Member - Joined: Feb 07, 2009
Posts: 130
Wow! Cool model and nice render! Vray *love* I use it too with 3ds max, but i'm not realy modeler.
I work for big TV-channel, but actualy not on vert big projects, cause i'm in promo department, busy with creating different quick graphics for movies and broadcasts promos. Sometimes there are some bigger tasks nevertheless, but not realy often. My soft: Adobe After Effects, 3Ds Max+vray, Photoshop and Illustrator and couple of auxiliary applications. These are some pix from my works:
Last edited by: m-knell Jul 01, 2009 5:04 AM