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Aug 05, 2009 12:34 PM
HuntDown Member - Joined: Oct 07, 2008
Posts: 247
heka, it is something wrong with your post try to delete the "quote" thx :
Aug 05, 2009 2:35 PM
Non-member Joined: Jun 20, 2009
Posts: 234
These reports on crusha's skills is one more thing I'll have to remember to check out for myself when I come back later this month.

SuperMario/SD.Bilde (assuming they are the same person) is a good player, mostly in duels and generally DM affairs, but beside that, I don't remember him playing most of the more "proper" ONS maps on the server and that's always annoyed me about him. He'd just join in when a high pph map would come up, try to get a top score, then slink out again. Any of you remember him being good with any particular vehicle on a bigger map or anything like that (cause I sure as hell can't)? Aw well, opportunists will always be around...

crusha_k_rool wrote:
[...]My aim depends also on my mood. When I am relaxed and have a supershockrifle, then I really have the flow and the game runs at half speed in my mind and it's just all about to pull the trigger for some nice one-shoot-one-kill-action.[...]
This is pretty much how it works for me too, but with sniper rifles. IMO super shocks kinda ruin it because of faster rate of fire, infinite ammo and the fact that they're right up the shock whores' alley - and there's plenty of shock whores everywhere. Mastery over acquiring your target through ping, lag and motion factors is what defines a true marksman.

crusha_k_rool wrote:
[...]It's always nice to see Hunt because I see the panic in his face when he spots me with a flak cannon on Bridge. [...]
Lmfao, priceless comment! I think I've seen that a fwe times myself :].

thomasito wrote:
[...]smelly is amazing in any kind of vehicles, not only hellhound turret but also his goliath skills... he shoots down raptors like no other... well except you hunt [...]
Smell is an all-around decent player, no matter what vec you find him in, but I've never noticed anything special about his abilities to eagle eye raptors compared to other ppl like Gatling; I wouldn't place hunt in that league either. Btw, Returner's another decent shot with the tank.

huntdown wrote:
[...]Avrid kind of pissed me off.[...]
His nick is Arvid and the guy's been an occasional pest and/or a waste of space for as long as I remember him, the kind of person you just hope you end up not being on the same team so you can go about your business in peace. Camping, team killing, sabotaging, starting personal vendettas against other players, etc. - I'm pretty sure I've seen him do it all, plus he's got an attitude like you wouldn't believe if he's ticked off. He's a tank whore and pretty much useless in every other situation, but for some reason he's engratiated himself with smellofdeath and will always attempt to ride on the same tank/badger as him to get some easy frags (in Tyrant, for example); strangest symbiosis of the server, if you ask me :s.

PS: Sooo, who the hell is this MedvEd guy anyway?
PPS: Lol @ hunt going nuts with these ugly emots. I wonder why he identifies with 'em so much ^^...
Eyes in the skies.
Closed Account
Aug 05, 2009 2:39 PM
Fixed...I thought it just did that on my screen xD
Aug 05, 2009 3:53 PM
Thomas!to* Member - Joined: Jun 15, 2009
Posts: 221
Arvid annoys me as well... (re)spawn-killing on nodes that are invulnerable and won't become vulnerable any soon, besides that only tank camping... but he sucks in heads-up.

smelly is very good in a minotaur on kakmo. needs like 10-15ppl to finally take him down... well, that is not exactly right...only when arvid is beneath him with a hellhound.... smelly camps on the hill and shoots everything on the ground, arvid just waits for flying things... and it just sucks cuz it's the 3rd or 4th time i see that...
what's funny about i is that they NEVER win cuz they dont attack, just camp there and once the mino is down it's a pretty fast win for the opposite team.

to sum it up - both of them are just score wh0res who loves to tankcamp basically... but smelly is imo more likable due to the fact he also plays NV maps and doesnt log-out everytime a low-pph is voted...

the_returner? really? well ok i believe your opinion peg... saw him like thrice or sth like that since i started playing UT last december...... today on tripleslap... and he didn't do that well in his tank... well maybe he had a bad day. dunno.
everyone has that.

unfortunately i cant remember u being in a tank alot peg?! so i dont know about your skills there... just remember your paladin and raptor-skills and they've been pretty impressive. props to that.

so who can enlighten us about medvedmol? ^^
Aug 05, 2009 5:52 PM
HuntDown Member - Joined: Oct 07, 2008
Posts: 247
MeDvEdMol_CZ ? today was the 1st day to spot him. maybe he's playing more often, i don't know.
it was in SpaceJox. i only remember him being the best player from his team, prty nice shock and supershock skills, but he's a camper. ok, im using lot of supershock too, like we all do, but never hidden in the corner of the map or something else. he did that :> camped and killed from the shadows. (<- i had to put this smile...)

ps: i hope Foibos will do something about Arvid. maybe a short ban. yes peg, his name is Arvid, i was wrong.
Last edited by: huntdown Aug 05, 2009 6:41 PM
Aug 06, 2009 4:41 AM
M-knell Member - Joined: Feb 07, 2009
Posts: 130
[quote]crusha_k_rool wrote:
My aim depends also on my mood. When I am relaxed and have a supershockrifle, then I really have the flow and the game runs at half speed in my mind and it's just all about to pull the trigger for some nice one-shoot-one-kill-action.

The same thing! I'm not very skilled player, but some days are just awful i cant even hit someone four couple of minutes And game in these cases starts to pess off a little.

2 all
By the way it's maybe off-top a bit, but talking about emotions during the gameplay. It's interesting how react you?

For me ut2004 especialy on techcom is always fun and there a lot of reasons to laugh loud during rounds. Its almost never anger me. Even if it's not my day in game and everybody kills me But I have a friend, that plays Counter Strike or UT sometimes and he is always angry, nervous and swears especialy when the game isnt very successful.
And how react you?
Last edited by: m-knell Aug 06, 2009 4:42 AM
Aug 06, 2009 6:03 AM
HuntDown Member - Joined: Oct 07, 2008
Posts: 247
M-Knell, give us some examples too.

for example i'm prty into the game when i'm playing. and there are many times when i'm angry, never losing my minds though

there are many matches when i have no good luck at all. thats not a problem, it's ok, but the worst moments are those when i'm the unlukiest from u all. that means nothing works for me for 5 mins or maybe all the match =)

when i'm spawnkilled for example, i never go mad. in fact, i'm amused =D
mostly i'm pissed off by teammates when they r wasting teams luck or vehicles.
i hate when, for example, driving a mino, a teammate jumps into the 2nd seat, and firing laser like he's crazy: that means i'm not in stealth mode anymore =) like that mino will never live more that a couple of fights.
Last edited by: huntdown Aug 06, 2009 6:03 AM
Aug 06, 2009 6:25 AM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
Yeah, I am not so annoyed about spawnkillers and campers, but it really get's me upset if my team is too incompetent to follow simple orders, waste important vehicles, doesn't attack/hold nodes or is not doing anything against these campers/spawnkillers.

Sometimes I am so mad then, that I just don't want to play anymore.

Also a moment where I throw my hands up in horror is, when I see for example on Spiff, that half of the team prefers to shoot a guy that jumps behind them with the goal to go in position at the secured core somewhere, instead of keeping the real target fixed.
In Spiff it doesn't matter when the red team loses the node at the main base-entrance, but most players run there anyways and don't care about the other node, that leads to the center.
Losing the center means losing the match and it really get's me angry when I see that my teammates are so easy to distract from the important thing.
Aug 06, 2009 7:55 AM
Non-member Joined: Jun 20, 2009
Posts: 234
m-knell wrote:
[...]For me ut2004 especialy on techcom is always fun and there a lot of reasons to laugh loud during rounds. Its almost never anger me. Even if it's not my day in game and everybody kills me But I have a friend, that plays Counter Strike or UT sometimes and he is always angry, nervous and swears especialy when the game isnt very successful.[...]
Well, first off, there's a reason why your friend's on edge more often than you: in CS you die from one shot pretty often, so your whole team's plan and carefully laid out tactic can be shot to hell just by taking a turn and firing 10ms slower than you should; if that happens to a few of your teammates once or twice too, you've practically lost the match right there. With UT there's plenty of leeway in dueling, not to mention the extra layers of protection you can have on you at times which make the fights even slower (practice a repeated route after each time you die in Dreamus2 or Spiff and try going for both the health keg and the super armour before running into the battlefield, see how big a boost compared to other players you'll have). Also, generally, UT's more fun in its gameplay elements, so why wouldn't you be happy in some nice flyer or a fast, powerful tank, compared to running around on foot in the same low-poly, dusty arenas 10 years after they were first designed? CS is all about obsession to its players at this point, and obsession chronologically follows and replaces enjoyment.

As far as my emotional experiences with UT go, I'm calm most of the time and wishing I could smack newbs upside the head the rest of it because they fail to realize that ONS is a team game, not an open sandbox for them to dick around. Oh, and there's also that 1% where I get frustrated for getting stuck in geometry for the millionth time because of lag and/or poorly tested out maps, but meh. Overall though, it's a good game and it only gets better with good company, so I'm cool.

huntdown wrote:
[...]i'm prty into the game[...]
Stop abbreviating an already short word when you're not even applying it correctly plz >.<.

crusha_k_rool wrote:
[...]Also a moment where I throw my hands up in horror is, when I see for example on Spiff, that half of the team prefers to shoot a guy that jumps behind them with the goal to go in position at the secured core somewhere, instead of keeping the real target fixed.
In Spiff it doesn't matter when the red team loses the node at the main base-entrance, but most players run there anyways and don't care about the other node, that leads to the center.
Losing the center means losing the match and it really get's me angry when I see that my teammates are so easy to distract from the important thing.
Aside from the usual group of ppl (read, newbs) who refuse to focus on anything other than what's directly in front of them on any given 3sec interval (radar screen and teammates' screams be damned), many more also suffer from gradually getting trapped into a routine, especially if a match is dragging on for long. If you've become accustomed to trying to attack or defend the same node for 5+ mins, chances are you'll miss something important happening at another part of the map, which might even have turned the entire dynamic of the fight around. That's why it's important to ALWAYS have an agenda, keep varying your approach and your routes and always be on the lookout for an undefended way into enemy assets. Hell, a single pinch on blue's far primary node every few seconds on Spiff when playing as red could be all you need while you close the distance and take it out with most of the other team not even noticing you. Anyways, babbling aside, point is, we've all occasionally fallen victim to the same routine in prolonged matches, maybe even finding value in mini-games within the game itself (dueling the same ppl over and over, for example); just remember to take a break from it once in a while to re-evaluate the fight.
Eyes in the skies.
Aug 06, 2009 10:00 AM
M-knell Member - Joined: Feb 07, 2009
Posts: 130
Well, first off, there's a reason why your friend's on edge more often than you: in CS you die from one shot pretty often, so your whole team's plan and carefully laid out tactic can be shot to hell just by taking a turn and firing 10ms slower than you should

He acts same when playin UT and now he prefer to play team deathmatch CS where tactics and teams mean nothing, only score matter. I think behavior and reaction of playing person depends on his character.
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