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Forum Home > Maps & mods > ONS-SavoIsland-K
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May 10, 2010 6:26 AM
Foibos Member - Joined: Sep 04, 2008
Posts: 551
Look at hoverboards here, it's the map modded by the guy who created the EONS stuff.
May 10, 2010 8:16 AM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
kentaro wrote:
Answer receive from ZedMaestro!
"Hi Kentaro
Sure, go ahead, and enjoy
Zed "

Nice, then we can make it public.

Shall I open a thread in the Epic Forums? Of course it's a co-production from both of us.
May 10, 2010 9:52 AM
Kentaro Member - Joined: Mar 21, 2010
Posts: 205
Oh, i think you can!
They can give us some advices and suggestions

May 10, 2010 10:04 AM
Foibos Member - Joined: Sep 04, 2008
Posts: 551
The only feedback to online gameplay you can get probably here. It would be nice to post something like "You can play the map on TechCom ONS-32 (join immediately)".
May 10, 2010 11:27 AM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
May 14, 2010 6:42 PM
Jancsi.:LLS:. Member - Joined: Aug 06, 2009
Posts: 217
Just played it! I liked it!

It's good to be on a nice island like that But sea looks weird when climbing up

It's really smaller than it looks like from the pictures. Hoverboards wouldn't be good because many people would use in ON the island and that wouldn't be good...
May 15, 2010 6:27 AM
Kentaro Member - Joined: Mar 21, 2010
Posts: 205
We'll release soon the beta4 of SavoIsland.
For the hoverboards, we're thinking about them.
Speaking of the sea, Crusha has a project for fixing it.
Last edited by: kentaro May 15, 2010 6:28 AM
May 17, 2010 4:54 PM
Thomas!to* Member - Joined: Jun 15, 2009
Posts: 221
yup i don't see the sea as well but that doesn't matter alot since it doesnt have an effect on the gameplay...

today i played the new beta4 WITH hoverboards... and i gotta say: they need to go!

despite the fact i was pretty much alone on my nub team (except Spitt maybe) - just when i regained a primary node there came 2 guys with hoverboard as well as the ones from middle node.

also - either give both teams a redeemer or don't out anyone out there at all... i mean comeone, once we lost 2 of 3 primaries i sure as hell cant go to the protected midde node where plenty of enemies are to get the redeemer... even if i get there - i surely get killed while rushing back...
that's why the winning team have the advantage of supershield, doubledamage AND a redeemer....

i want the following:

- DoubleDamage near base
- removal of HoverBoards
- removal of Redeemer
- a turret at base
May 17, 2010 5:56 PM
Foibos Member - Joined: Sep 04, 2008
Posts: 551
I think the boards are fine, they're refreshing the map. There is something wrong with the sea, it's disappearing.
May 18, 2010 3:01 AM
Kentaro Member - Joined: Mar 21, 2010
Posts: 205
Hmm.. i take note of your impressions thom.
However i wanna play it online for see it myself

-double damage: you want one near each base? Yeah it's possible, but i don't see other location than on the cliffs (or do you see one?)
-hoverboards: wanna see it myself
-redeemer: remove it? Why not... Crusha is for this too.
-a turret at base: on the roof? on the cliff? What do you prefer?
What kind of turret? Minigun or laser?

EDIT: i played it offline with bots and i don't see effectively the sea..
Besides, this is my personnal opinion, i don't like laser turrets. They prevent you from walking... and if there are some ennemies at the node you can't do nothing... I prefer minigun turrets!
Last edited by: kentaro May 18, 2010 7:42 AM
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