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Forum Home > Maps & mods > Converting CTF maps on ONS maps
May 11, 2010 6:06 PM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
jancsi33 wrote:
Oh, one more thing: Crusha, could you please include everything in this?: crusha_k_rool wrote:
Cooperative map
-> in this case SavoIsland

The above is not so important so if you don't have time then you don't need to answer insantly! (But I guess it won't include much )

Don't understand that part, please try to say it again.
May 12, 2010 3:35 AM
Kentaro Member - Joined: Mar 21, 2010
Posts: 205
jancsi33 wrote:
Also, Crusha, as you saw, Kentaro modified SavoIsland with mostly pickups and I guess nodes but I don't know. So did you expect him to be a mapper who makes geometry (two towers) and other things? (for example lava at the bottom of the towers) Don't want to hurt ANY of you two and I'm not a troll or anything so don't misunderstand! I guess you will be a good mapper Kentaro, but you have to learn first

Speaking of lava, i know how make it
But it's true ,and i agree with you, actually i can't make towers and geometry.. but i'm working on some tutorials in french and i learn slowly the art of the mapping.
And yeah, i'll read the whole topic!
Last edited by: kentaro May 12, 2010 3:36 AM
May 12, 2010 9:38 AM
Jancsi.:LLS:. Member - Joined: Aug 06, 2009
Posts: 217
crusha_k_rool wrote:
Don't understand that part, please try to say it again.

Could you please list the things done by You and Kentaro at converting SavoIsland into an onslaught map?
Last edited by: jancsi33 May 12, 2010 9:38 AM
May 12, 2010 10:49 AM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
We did this:
-Removed unnecessary pickups.
-Added WeaponLockers.
-Added Nodes and Cores. (Cores are shrinked to fit into the building, but their forcefield doesn't shrink with them)
-Enlarged the sea.
-Improved botpathing.
-Central river makes bodies drift away.
-Adjusted RadarMap settings. (The map itself was already there from JB and it was luckily a shot taken from above. You can have a RadarMap in JB from any position and angle and it will show all players in realtime).
-Increased viewdistance.
-Adjusted LevelInfo-stuff to match ONS.

What's next:
-Hoverboards in the K-version.
-Improved performance (hopefully).
-Better collision for the river StaticMeshes so you hopefully won't get stuck anymore.
-Fix texture bug of central WeaponBase.
-Do something with the sea, not sure yet.
-Enable a few turrets in both versions.

And I find it funny that it says "editeur de niveau" in the French version of the editor.
That sounds like they translated "level" in terms of different heights, but it's the right translation of course.
Last edited by: crusha_k_rool May 12, 2010 10:56 AM
May 12, 2010 12:48 PM
Jancsi.:LLS:. Member - Joined: Aug 06, 2009
Posts: 217
I think it should be either SavoIsland-C&K or something like that or SavoIsland.
May 13, 2010 1:38 PM
Kentaro Member - Joined: Mar 21, 2010
Posts: 205
Not a bad idea!
What do you think of it,Crusha? We'll release the C&Kbeta4?