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Mar 24, 2010 8:30 AM
Thomas!to* Member - Joined: Jun 15, 2009
Posts: 221
I have a question... from time to time this polish guy MC_PL or something like that shows on techcom and he has this tiny, tiny supermario-skin! it's like only one third the size of a standard character and the only thing that helps to see him is that the skin is really bright (mostly white as I remember)...
so... how can this be? i thought only standard characters were allowed... is the hitbox the same? but u'd have to aim 2m above his visible "head" then to achieve a headshot... and even if the hitbox is NOT the same (which is way worse) - isn't this considered some kind of cheating?

i mean okay it's only one person and some of you might say that doesnt harm...
and i would agree if it stays as it is, that only this ONE person uses this.... nevertheless i worry about that (imagining more players with this mini-character may join the server more often, having a huge advantage over all the others)
Mar 24, 2010 8:40 AM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
I doubt that Techcom is forcing you to download the skin.

You probably downloaded the skin somewhere and so you can see it. Everyone else will only get the Jacob-skin.
So uninstall that Skin-file and everything should be fine again.

But this gets me to another point: Foibos once thought about how he could "reward" those players that do a lot for the server, like donating money for it.
I saw on some server that it's possible to have optional downloads. Those people could pick a certain skin for themselves that would be added as Optional Download (in order to not scare everyone away with big downloads). The only thing would be to prevent other players from using that skin too. Wouldn't be a reward anymore if everyone could use it.

So there would need to be a certain server-mutator that allows only the listed players to have certain skins and everyone else would be forced into the Jacob-skin if he uses the skin of such a VIPlayer.
Mar 24, 2010 8:54 AM
Thomas!to* Member - Joined: Jun 15, 2009
Posts: 221
i remember you coming up with that stuff (i recall u even had the custom-vehicle-skin idea =S ) and i really like that idea for the players (thus i can imagine the coding for that, speaking of restricting it to the ones on the list, takes a whole lot of time)

thing is - how should that go? i am sure every donator / VIP has his own ideas about nice additional skins, and all of them would have to be downloadable on a webspace somewhere, without forcing all of techcom-players to do it...
but who in the world would download other players skins, especially when they are 1/3 of the size, or all black, semi-transparent or something like that....

in conclusion, i would love to have custom skin, but that just wont work...

it also cant be anything that would give that certain player a advantage in the game...

it's really tricky to come up with something good here....
how about the ability to colorize the nickname? this wont hurt anyone i guess...
OR, which would be funny, giving players a GOLDEN color for their skin (this way it would both look cool AND makes him or here more visible for the others, making him somewhat exceptional and donating money for the server is exactly that!!)
Mar 24, 2010 10:17 AM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
To be honest, I am glad that Techcom doesn't use the awful colourization of names and messages. It's far away from being readable. Or the Zound-Mutator.

And being golden, that would be against my ninja-style. >:)
… and require the same scripting as well.
Mar 25, 2010 6:56 PM
lilalurl Member - Joined: Aug 14, 2009
Posts: 67
crusha_k_rool wrote:
Or the Zound-Mutator.


Console -> mutate zoundmenu
there is an option there to disable them.