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For our mappers
May 08, 2011 5:45 PM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
Since I already branched it out of my tools for Turbo K to use, why not also provide it here: LockerWeaponsPlayerStart

As you can guess from the name, it's a PlayerStart that equips you with the weapons from the closest locker (within a specified radius) when spawning. Wormbo also made a Mutator for that, but this PlayerStart is a different approach and won't unwhitelist the server (and does not apply to every map where it would not be suitable).

Don't forget to myLevel it:

According to Turbo K does it change the gameplay quite a lot when you don't need to run to the next locker anymore and can head right for the closest vehicle and are also no longer a sitting duck to spawn killers.
May 11, 2011 4:46 AM
Foibos Member - Joined: Sep 04, 2008
Posts: 551
For sure it's a cute piece of code, but you're removing one of the most common onslaught features with that: Getting the weapons after spawn. What are the lockers good for now? Decoration? And how does it work? Teleportation? We used to run for weapons (if the locker isn't too far, and it shouldn't be), we like the nervousness of being unarmed and we like the sound of "click" which means we're armed now. I don't like it... but it could be useful for many.
May 11, 2011 7:44 AM
lilalurl Member - Joined: Aug 14, 2009
Posts: 67
For once I agree with Foibos.

I had already the same feeling with the mutator Wormbo made.

Besides, people will probably no longer use their AR and SG. Well, probably not many do anyway, but still it is quite fun when you manage to kill someone with an AR grenade.

Also, with the current system, vehicle whores (whatever the vehicle is) are potentially punished if they go straight for the vehicle. In case the vehicle is destroyed, unless it happens near a locker, they will only have AR and SG.
IMO, having the players forced to get some weapons first helps some players (not all....) to wait for others. If you are ready to drive the manta away and see/hear another player equipping you are more likely to wait for him.

With auto-equipping I fear that the number of players who go their way without caring about team mates will increase.

On the other hand ofc, if a map suffers from too much spawn killing (like MassDestruction, which IIRC is why Wormbo made his mutator), this auto-equipping playerstart could be worth trying.

Nice piece of code anyway .
May 11, 2011 11:18 AM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
We will see. It's not intended to be used in every map anyway, but in stuff like Downtown and MassDestruction will it probably work out well.

The lockers are still necessary to refill your ammo, this just gives you the initial loadout on spawn.
And I guess it will still make click because all I did is to trick the player into causing the Touch with the locker on spawn.