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The * Clan
Jul 11, 2009 7:12 AM
SKOL* Member - Joined: Nov 07, 2008
Posts: 27
Hi people, I think almost all online games have clans, but unfortunatly UT2004 seems to forguet this important thing because u dont have the possibility to oficialy make a clan inside the game, u just change your name and that is the clan.
My idea is simple = put the star ( * ) in the name in sign of friendship and union. Well, i know that if u change your name, your old name will be freezed in the ranking list, so i think many players will stay whith their names intact, but i think many others whould like to try somthing new =), so its up to u decide.

I invite everybody in this forum to the * clan, if u want =). I think this is another good step for a stronger comunity.
Jul 11, 2009 7:46 AM
Thomas!to* Member - Joined: Jun 15, 2009
Posts: 221
to take away the anxiety - I already took that step this morning after SKOL* asked my if I wanted to and ZumZum* agreed... and hell yeah the star is looking just great behind my name

And besides: Guys it's just statistics... Who cares! I like to start over =)

Let's take over the ONS-world xD
Jul 11, 2009 8:55 AM
Ig0r. Member - Joined: May 26, 2009
Posts: 69
imo top 10 players will not do that
but its better to have a guild name
for ex. [FL]SKOL,[FL]thomas!to etc..
Jul 11, 2009 9:27 AM
HuntDown Member - Joined: Oct 07, 2008
Posts: 247
i disagree with the changing of nicks :\
man, this * of friendsip is nice. but u can be friends even without it dont waste your rankings for it. i think it doesnt worth it

thomasito, ur top 10 player too. it means something.
Last edited by: huntdown Jul 11, 2009 9:41 AM
Jul 11, 2009 12:20 PM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
I don't know which number I am in ranking, but I won't change anymore… this is already my third nick, as I has the old one like "Crusha§§K§§Rool" (thought this way you could replace the not existing spacebar, but it didn't work).

I am not even talking about the GT-stats, but about the real UT ones:
Jul 12, 2009 5:31 AM
SKOL* Member - Joined: Nov 07, 2008
Posts: 27
Yeah, unfortunatly in UT2004 u canot make a clan inside the game whithout changing the name. I know the top 10 is important for many players even if its not the original UT rank, and for example, if u spectate a match it will count as if u was playing it ? anyway i know its important.

Well i tryed to do something abou the Clan, now u decide.
Last edited by: skol_ Jul 12, 2009 5:40 AM
Jul 12, 2009 6:27 AM
Non-member Joined: Jul 08, 2009
Posts: 38
Thomasito welcom into ,,* '' player.....Im happy becouse u did that....

And about what are u tryng to do Skol it is verry nice....
Last edited by: warlock16 Jul 12, 2009 6:43 AM
Jul 12, 2009 7:50 AM
Non-member Joined: Jun 20, 2009
Posts: 234
IMO, the whole point of the * was to link ppl that were formerly playing together on the ZipCity server and considered it a good time in their UT career; if you weren't in that group at that time, I don't really see why wou'd want to force yourself into it now. If I've come to play better with or against ppl like, say, Dutchvale or ZumZum or Lemov or Jit or SKOL than the average TechCom player and I consider them to be more friendly to me and vice versa, will adding a * to my nickname make anything better or different? I'll still be who I am and play the way I do and so will they, everything else is just an idea that extends upon the whole social networking fad of "hey, I know! let's friend eachother!!", "let's have nicks that seem to be from the same clan!!!", "let's dress in matching outfits and do coordinated dances ingame!!!" and to me it's empty of substance, pure and simple.

I also don't see how the argument "you're too attached to your statistics" can be related to such a thing. The way I see it, the stats follow me, not the other way around; they grew and became what they are because I'm the player I am. I'm not a slave to them and even if I did change my nickname (which I chose long before I was even aware of the fact that statistics were taken for its plain and straightforward nature) to one with an asterisk at its end, the same argument could still be applied (you're afraid to change your nick a second time because you're too tied to your Nick*'s stats!!!11)... so where does it end? At some point, you have to settle down for something and start paying attention to what's obviously more important, i.e. playing the game and having a good time.

One last related thing I've seen surfacing recently I want to address: this "clan" mentality. Guys, face it, not the * nicknames, nor this group created here a few weeks ago is actually a clan. It was just the most practical way of getting a mini msb board inside GT started. Clans aren't defined just by what groups of ppl wish to call themselves, but by the actions and methods that govern them. There's no point system or single, universal ladder where we compete with other clans, there's no leader or ppl appointed to various positions with special tasks and, most of all perhaps, we don't train or play anything like a clan. As much as I'd like for things to be different, on TechCom everyone mostly plays for themselves alone; if you happen to help someone out with a goal or a problem, it's circumstantial and temporary at best. I do wish that ppl would coord and communicate more with eachother, that they would try to pursue objectives in pairs and never alone, hell, I've even said a few times that appointing/voting for team leaders before a match starts might be an interesting idea to experiment with (maybe a mutator that lets ppl vote a leader or forces a leader on each team randomly or on rotation or based on pph/stats? leader would be able to kick ppl in his team single-handedly, would see all his teammates on radar and he'd form the strategy the team would carry out). Let's be realistic here; TechCom is an open, public server where anyone can join at any point in a game and they could have any background/experience/agenda you can think of; there's no top-down control in anything and most of us just try to survive and have as much good time as possible through the chaos. As much as I hate to break it to you and play the role of the sour, old man (again?), expecting or pretending that more is going on is simply naive or delusional. I'd very much want and care to participate in any effort to turn a group of TechCom regulars into something more resembling a team than what we are, though, so if anyone has any ideas, you're more than welcome to lay 'em down.
Eyes in the skies.
Last edited by: pegasus_ Jul 12, 2009 7:55 AM
Jul 12, 2009 8:21 AM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
I also had my own thoughts about a commander… should be more like in Battlefield 2, or in that one Half-Life 2-mod, where you have a commander-vehicle and the first who enters is the commander and can build the base (no RTS in UT of course) and where the goal is to destroy the enemy commander-vehicle (which can be moved).

So for UT the Battlefield 2-way would be the best.
One commander is voted by majority from the players, if there is no majority, then it will be the player with the highest amount of pph in that team.

The commander have the radar-map to give commands in a better overview or from the third-person view of his teammates by clicking somewhere and tell orders for that position.
He would also have special-powers, which refill with time (or with the amount of kills of the teammates?). Such powers could be airstrikes, ion-cannon, dropping a vehicle to a certain point of the map by plane, radar-scan to see in a certain area all enemies on the radar for a short period of time.

The commander would give the orders to the squadleaders, they would give more precise orders to their team… The teammates would get some kind of bonus for staying with their leader instead of going somewhere else alone (maybe more points, or more firepower)

That would be fine, but since I am not really coding UScript I can't realize such a mutator.