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Independent games
Oct 20, 2009 1:05 PM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
You probably hear already of them, those little games made by independent developers, newcomers to the brand but they are brave enough to make such game-ideas come true which the big studios would have never touched probably.

The probably most known is World of Goo. I played the demo already and really loved it, I just wait until it get's a bit cheaper in the shops because I want to have something in my hand and not a download, but 20€ are still too much for me.

But if you have no problem with downloading the game, then here's a special offer for you: Until the 25th October you can download the game for the price YOU think it's worth! Of course you could just pay 1 cent, but I think it should be at least 5€. I'd pay 10€, but I wait until the price in stores shrinks.
The payment is via PayPal or a credit card.

Another good independent game: Audio-Surf, but I will wait until it comes in stores (hopefully it will one day )

And probably also good will be Machinarium from the developers of the free Samorost. Samorost 2 is included as a full version in Machinarium, but you can play a free demo here: Link.

Which other good indie-games would you recommend?
Oct 20, 2009 1:40 PM
Thomas!to* Member - Joined: Jun 15, 2009
Posts: 221
Nice links crusha =)

a very neat and addictive browser game is the following:

Desktop Tower Defense

of course - it's free =)
Oct 20, 2009 4:20 PM
lilalurl Member - Joined: Aug 14, 2009
Posts: 67
If you like Tower Defense games and RPG games, I can highly recommend Gemcraft.

As far as I remember, it's free, but some specific bonus abilities can only be purchased. I never finished the game so I cannot know, but I suppose there is nothing preventing you from finishing the game without, they would however make things easier.
Oct 20, 2009 4:34 PM
Jancsi.:LLS:. Member - Joined: Aug 06, 2009
Posts: 217
And your link brings people to Armorgames so I recommend the whole Armorgames
By the way it is my homepage and if a new game is developed then I'm playing it.

There is also a sequel as a prequel: Gemcraft chapter 0
Last edited by: jancsi33 Oct 20, 2009 4:37 PM
Oct 20, 2009 4:45 PM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
But there is a difference between independent games and free games, you know?

Independent games are made by creative developers that are new to the game-industry, but who want to gain money with their games. They are just not bound to the will of a big publisher and can do their own stuff, but have to sell their game Online in the beginning before they can afford to produce DVDs with it.

Free games are just made by people who wants to develop something for others because the fun of doing it, but they don't expect money from that.

Independent games often try something innovative, many free games have another successful game as idol.

And we have a free-games-thread here, although it's not really filled yet, but you can change that.
I still have a huge pool of free games that are worth to play, but I won't post them all together.
Oct 20, 2009 4:59 PM
Jancsi.:LLS:. Member - Joined: Aug 06, 2009
Posts: 217
Ah ^^

Then this is what I can recommend:

First I'm going to the Top 100 to see what are currently the best games, then I'm choosing a game, looking at details, and then downloading as torrent. Has some nice games, Hidden Objects are the most popular, but world of goo is also there...

"Bigfish Games
A new game every day!"

World of Goo is $6.99 on Bigfishgames, that's... in euro...

4.7 €
Last edited by: jancsi33 Oct 20, 2009 5:03 PM
Nov 08, 2009 12:19 PM
lilalurl Member - Joined: Aug 14, 2009
Posts: 67
I have just finished playing the demo of a FPS that can probably qualify as indie (most work done by a single person, except the engines of course and the music):

Tecno - the base

It is not a fast-paced FPS but rather a sort of adventure FPS, in the same vein as System Shock (although lighter on many points, you have an inventory, some puzzles to solve etc...).

The FPS part, at least what is in the demo, won't compare to the best games of the genre, but it is a decent corridor shooter. I quite like the way the mechanic enemies attack and die (various possibilities).

This is a game in which you might get stuck, trying to find what to do, several times, so if you want to give it a try, do it when you have at least 1 hour to spend on it and perhaps stop and then come back to it a few times if you get frustrated.
Nov 13, 2009 10:18 AM
Jancsi.:LLS:. Member - Joined: Aug 06, 2009
Posts: 217
Man, BeyondUnreal will now only show mods/games in the news that are created with Unreal Engine 3 (but there's Out of Hell with is created with Unreal Engine 2) and contain zombies!?

Or if not that then something about the UDK...

The Haunted... is the newest on the news of BeyondUnreal

PS: People can't think about some other thing than zombies???
PSS: BeyondUnreal will now only show mods/games in the news that are created with Unreal Engine 3 and contain zombies!? -> I mean BeyondUnreal won't show any news about other things?
Last edited by: jancsi33 Nov 13, 2009 11:47 AM