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Forum Home > Server > Balance
Jan 07, 2010 6:18 AM
Non-member Joined: Jan 04, 2010
Posts: 3
I dont know how you work out the balance on the server, but something is screwed somewhere(pardon my french), was good fun being here, but im going back to playing on omni.

Jan 07, 2010 7:58 AM
TEXT Member - Joined: Jul 19, 2009
Posts: 15
Sorry but what is omni?
Jan 07, 2010 9:05 AM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
@Text: Oh, if that was ironic then you could get us a flamewar here.
Otherwise maybe this symbol will guide you to the lighted path: )o(

*They are the guys with the tons of maps with custom vehicles, like the Min)o(taur. But they have only such maps, while we take only the best maps from the biggest ONS-servers out there plus some other maps plus some modified by the few mappers in our community.*

@Axxo: Maybe you could specify your problem a bit more? Is it the balance of skilled players on each team, the balance of the maps themselves or anything else?
For the first thing we have a special mutator, coded especially for our server, that restarts a round when it ends too quickly and sort the players to the teams according to their PPH.

And the maps, well we have a colourful mixture with something for everybody's taste. Spammy maps, NV-maps, tactical maps, skill requiring maps,...
Jan 07, 2010 5:38 PM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
Axxo can't reply in our forum anymore, but she sent me a PM. I just post this uncommented.

the_real_axxo wrote:

cant reply, since i left the clan (girl strop thing yah know ), but i was playing earlier this morning (suspense map) your "special mutator" kicks in and restarted round, only to have, thomas, vk, cairy_hunt on one team (sry but i think these guys are good at what they do) and poor old me and some newbs on other team. you can guess the rest lol.

I do like your server, but i hate the way the balance works on it, out of 1 in every 6 or 7 maps balance is great, then f*cks up again(it seems a better balance on omni).

Last edited by: crusha_k_rool Jan 07, 2010 5:39 PM
Jan 07, 2010 6:00 PM
Thomas!to* Member - Joined: Jun 15, 2009
Posts: 221
ah i remember this... she complained about balance after the game and left... thing is, one cannot switch when the number of players in each time is equal...
2nd thing: alot of the folks of the team that just lost leaves seconds before or after end of match and for some ppl it then looks like they were totally underpowered....

and to be honest: I seldomly experience balanced games... but that's fine with me and i try to join the obviously weaker team (especially when they cry for help ^^) in order to have good competition which forces me to try even harder... that's the only way u gonna improve in my opinion...

maybe she will rejoin our server in the future since it's actually always fun, no matter how balanced a match is.