crusha_k_rool • PM |
Jul 17, 2009 4:13 PM
![]() Posts: 926 |
For this forum of the clan "Freelancer" and it's server "" apply the rules below, which shall be beneficial for the coexistence of the users and ensure, that all actions happen under the act of law. 1) General You should act in any case within the laws of your country. Disregard can be prosecuted. Don't think yourself safe in the anonymity of the Internet. The access to this board and the use of it can not be in any form required (also not judicial) or be forced in any other way. The administration (Foibos or other moderators) reserves the right to temporarily or permanently deprive individual users the privilege of the use at any time, without giving reasons. 2) Neatness You should keep the for communities like this usual friendliness. You are communicating with other humans here, so we ask you to desist from insults or similar. In case of disregard will follow a warning, admonishment or kick from side of the administration. Consequences for disregarding of the rules: We distinguish between warning, admonishment and kick. Warning is the simple verbal hint to stop a particular behaviour. An admonishment will be noted down by the administration. Each user can have one admonishment; if another admonishment accrue to the existing one, then this will automatically result in a temporal suspension from the forum and/or the Admonishments expire after the time of one month and can be seen in the sub-forum of unban and ban-appeals. A temporal suspension (kick) means divesting somebody from his rights to write within the forum and/or joining the In special cases a user can be kicked directly without any warning before. If a user has a second user-name (nick) to use this obviously for criminal activities (which can be seen in a low posting-count), then this may also result in an immediate kick for both accounts. 3) Pirated copies & illegal software The requesting, praising, advertising and linking of copyright-reserved content in illegal context is forbidden. Betas, leaks and other ways on which software may get illegal to the internet are also forbidden. However, discussions about the consequences of a leak are allowed. Violations will be, depending on the case, punished with warning, admonishment or kick. 4) One topic - one thread If possible, try avoid cross-postings and assert that a topic is not already discussed, before you open a new thread. 5) Post topics in the correct forum The whole board consists of several sub-forums with certain topics. Please post only in the matching forum to avoid confusion. ![]()
Last edited by: crusha_k_rool Mar 16, 2010 6:25 PM
crusha_k_rool • PM |
Jul 17, 2009 4:13 PM
![]() Posts: 926 |
6) Spamming
Posting of so-called spamming-postings is undesired. Violations will be punished with admonishment or kick. 6a) Spamming is: * Creating masses of topics or postings with the same content * Cross-postings (posting of similar topics in different (sub)forums) * Postings and topics that have obviously no content and only serve the increase of the postcount * Pure smiley-postings that obviously only serve the increase of the posting-counter * Postings that have the goal to demotivate certain participants of the discussion and don't help the discussion * Pointless writing in very old threads to dig them up * "Who cares?"-postings and all related kinds of them * Unfounded suspicions of someone to be a "troll" or similar, or "Eot"-postings (End of Topic). * A post that consists only of the demand "Pics!" * To make know the lack of interest on a topic, also with reference to the age of a thread (moderate pointing to the age of a topic should not occur more than once per topic.) * "Thiefgame"-links and similar 6b) Spamming is NOT: * Posting a pure smiley- or "+++"-post, if it's suitable in the context of the discussion and does not happen too often. 6c) Offtopic Posting in the "Offtopic"-thread (and similar, if they will be created) in the Offtopic-forum is NO spamming. These threads shall serve the neat conversation between the users. Abuse of the threads will be punished with admonishment or kick. 6d) Counter-parties It is allowed that a user celebrates his posting-counter every 2500 posts. An exception are the first 500 postings of a user. For example: 500, 2500, 5000, 7500, 10000 and so on. Violations can be punished with warning, admonishment or kick. 7) Help newbies Help newbies and users that are new to the forum or server to find their way. 8 ) Expressive titles Topic named like "Please help me!", "I have a problem!", "Important!", "What do you think about this?" or "@ all" are undesired. Also not desired are misleading titles that have nothing to do with the content of the topic and only serve the purpose of increasing the curiosity to click on that topic. This also means the pushy use of caps lock in titles. Conspicuous and frequently disregard of the rule will be punished with warning, admonishment or kick. 9) Postings with criminal content Postings, that are thematizing criminal behaviour or acts are to avoid, if they don't have an objective basis. ![]()
Last edited by: crusha_k_rool Mar 16, 2010 12:06 PM
crusha_k_rool • PM |
Jul 17, 2009 4:14 PM
![]() Posts: 926 |
10) Pornography & not G-rated erotic
The linking, advertising and showing of pornographic and adult-only content is not tolerated. Disregard will be punished with warning, admonishment or kick. 10a) Child pornography Picturing, requesting or making fun of child pornography is not tolerated at all and will lead to immediate kick. This is not a petty crime! 11) Postings of racistic content Postings that are appealing to racism and demagoguery can lead to criminal prosecution. 12) Discrimination The discrimination of minorities and physically or mentally handicapped people is not tolerated and will be punished with warning, admonishment or kick. 13) Promotion and IDs The advertising of private or commercial homepages and IDs for gaining money on the internet is not tolerated. Violation of the rule will be punished with warning, admonishment or kick. 14) Glorification of drugs The advertising and praising of any kind of drugs is forbidden. An exception from this rule are objective discussions of the topic. Disregard will be punished with warning, admonishment or kick. 15) Glorification of violence The spreading, linking and picturing of violence-glorifying content is forbidden and will be punished with warning, admonishment or kick. 16) Collective threads If a collective thread to a topic exists, then it is regarded as imperative to post into this thread. Multiple disregards can lead to admonishment or kick. 17) Use of third-party software The use of non-authorized third-party software, which is changing the contents of the forum in a way that is not intended by the operators, is prohibited and happens at your own risk. 18 ) Not covered particular cases and discretionary competence In particular cases, that are not covered by the rules above, the administration decides on basis of the actual facts. In any case the final decision is within the discretion of the administration. The administration reserves the right to change or expand these rules at any time. ![]()
Last edited by: crusha_k_rool Mar 16, 2010 12:13 PM