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Forum Home > General discussion & players > UT3 - free weekend
UT3 - free weekend
Sep 17, 2009 10:50 AM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926

Today it starts again. You can play the whole weekend for free, you just need Steam to download and play it.

I'll give it a try. If it's good then I am maybe going to buy the collectors-edition for 20 bucks, which also comes with a DVD that guides you in several hours through the editor. Maybe I'll also learn more for 2k4 then. I wont turn away from you, guys. I just wanna test it and maybe play a few rounds from time to time. And who knows, maybe someday will UT4 arrive and it will be as good as 2k4 and Techcom will take care of it then. And then I don't have to learn so much new about the new editor.

So, who else is gonna give it a try? I hope my poor WLAN can download such a big pack.
Sep 17, 2009 12:45 PM
Non-member Joined: Jun 20, 2009
Posts: 234
crusha_k_rool wrote:
[...]Today it starts again. You can play the whole weekend for free, you just need Steam to download and play it.[...]
Oh sure, I'll just install the monolithic and totalitarian software that wants me to pay for games but never provides me with a hard backup and can lock me out of all games I might acquire through it if it ever detects me pirating any other game in its list so I can play a more boring, bloomy/saturated, space marine styled version of what I'm already playing! Oh, and there are no LGs either. Where do I sign up?

crusha_k_rool wrote:
[...]I'll give it a try.[...]
Have fun.

crusha_k_rool wrote:
[...]If it's good then I am maybe going to buy the collectors-edition for 20 bucks, which also comes with a DVD that guides you in several hours through the editor. Maybe I'll also learn more about 2k4 then.[...]
And then I don't have to learn so much new about the new editor.[...]
No you won't, different games, different engines, different editors.

crusha_k_rool wrote:
[...]I won't turn away from you, guys. I just wanna test it and maybe play a few rounds from time to time. And who knows, maybe someday UT4 will arrive and it will be as good as 2k4 and Techcom will take care of it then.[...]
UT4 won't come around for another 2-3 years minimum. Do you really think your life's priorities will still be the same then? Or that TechCom will still be around?
Eyes in the skies.
Last edited by: pegasus_ Sep 17, 2009 12:47 PM
Sep 17, 2009 2:20 PM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
pegasus_ wrote:
Oh sure, I'll just install the monolithic and totalitarian software that wants me to pay for games but never provides me with a hard backup and can lock me out of all games I might acquire through it if it ever detects me pirating any other game in its list so I can play a more boring, bloomy/saturated, space marine styled version of what I'm already playing! Oh, and there are no LGs either. Where do I sign up?

I would never buy a game through Steam and also watch carefully which games require Steam to play them. The others are optional to register, it's not like I couldn't play them anymore if Steam doesn't want me to.
The only game that I play through Steam until now is Americas Army 3, a free game.

I also don't like Steam and Valve's policy and such strict DRM in general. It's not like I ask someone to install it, there just might be some people out there who already have Steam installed, so it won't bite them to take a look at UT3 then.

[QUOTE]Have fun.

Unfortunately I just realised that I won't be here in the next two days, so it might not be worth to download it for playing only 2-3 hours. But there will probably come another free weekend.

[quote]No you won't, different games, different engines, different editors.

Did you take a look on that already or where do you know that from? The parts that I have seen from the editor so far are not so much different from the old engine. The editor got a couple new things, but kept many of the old ones too. New are things like Kismet, a better material-editor (there is also one in 2k4, I just don't know really which entry can be used to achieve which effect), some bug-fixes and StaticMeshes are calculated for each user-setting by ranging between a low- and high-poly-model, which both have to be made seperately in order to create new meshes.

[quote]UT4 won't come around for another 2-3 years minimum. Do you really think your life's priorities will still be the same then? Or that TechCom will still be around?
Of course there will be more important things in my life, but that doesn't mean that I would stop playing games or that I would never do mapping-work again.
And if Techcom will still be around, well that depends on Foibos. It might be possible or not.

And thank you for correcting my grammar. I need to learn that a bit more.
Sep 17, 2009 3:21 PM
Non-member Joined: Jun 20, 2009
Posts: 234
crusha_k_rool wrote:
[...]I also don't like Steam and Valve's policy and such strict DRM in general. It's not like I ask someone to install it, there just might be some people out there who already have Steam installed, so it won't bite them to take a look at UT3 then.[...]
Funny, I thought the purpose of this thread was to extend an invitation for ppl here to try out UT3 through Steam. Now in that regard, gamers can be divided into two separate groups: those that already have Steam (the minority) and those that don't (the majority) and would first need to download it. Consider my response as a reply representing the latter group.

crusha_k_rool wrote:
[...]Did you take a look on that already or where do you know that from? The parts that I have seen from the editor so far are not so much different from the old engine. The editor got a couple new things, but kept many of the old ones too. New are things like Kismet, a better material-editor (there is also one in 2k4, I just don't know really which entry can be used to achieve which effect), some bug-fixes and StaticMeshes are calculated for each user-setting by ranging between a low- and high-poly-model, which both have to be made seperately in order to create new meshes.[...]
About a year or more ago, I got curious enough to download and watch most of the UT3 video tutorials for UEd4 - about an hour or more in total; then I got bored and deleted it all. Admittedly, I wasn't as much interested in UEd or editing maps in general as I became earlier this year so I wasn't trying hard to retain most of the knowledge offered in those videos, but I distinctly remember differences in the new engine that had to do with the game's physics, the lighting and shadows system and some new volumes, the static mesh moving/animation system and the cutscenes/matinee system too. And yes, Kismet was mentioned as well, but I don't recall what subsystem it pertains to. In conclusion, the stuff that didn't get updated and included in a rewritten subsystem for UT3 you already know well enough with your current experience and the stuff that did, well, that's useless to you because it doesn't apply to UT2k4. I don't really see what more you expect to learn about UEd3 editing by watching tutorials for UEd4, but if you want to, by all means, knock yourself out.

crusha_k_rool wrote:
[...]Of course there will be more important things in my life, but that doesn't mean that I would stop playing games or that I would never do mapping-work again.[...]
It means you'd probably stop doing maps for UT2k4 due to the game's eventual withering, therefore trying to "invest" time now to learn about Ued4/UEngine3 so you can improve your editing skills with UEd3/Uengine2 will be pointless soon enough, if not already.

crusha_k_rool wrote:
[...]And if Techcom will still be around, well that depends on Foibos. It might be possible or not.[...]
You seem to be neglecting another important factor - UT2k4's slowly declining popularity.

crusha_k_rool wrote:
[...]And thank you for correcting my grammar. I need to learn that a bit more.
The internet as well as word processors' spell and grammar checkers are your friends.
Eyes in the skies.
Last edited by: pegasus_ Sep 17, 2009 3:24 PM
Sep 17, 2009 9:44 PM
Ig0r. Member - Joined: May 26, 2009
Posts: 69
ut3 is g@y
Sep 18, 2009 5:13 AM
lilalurl Member - Joined: Aug 14, 2009
Posts: 67
pegasus_ wrote:
UT4 won't come around for another 2-3 years minimum.

I think that's really a minimum since the series has been placed on hold by Epic:

If I had to make a bet, I would bet a new UT game will not be published before 5 years from now on.
Sep 18, 2009 10:21 AM
Jancsi.:LLS:. Member - Joined: Aug 06, 2009
Posts: 217
m4v1 wrote:
ut3 is g@y


But by the way somewhen on summer I download UT3 (via Utorrent) and it's a fail. Though my computer freezes when loading a warfare map or what is that gametype called (maybe because of the vehicles?) and also it freezes when looking the single player video (and I had no brains for skipping it...). I only played some DM (I didn't play CTF) and the weapons are too "complicated" lol I mean their "movement" y'know.
So gameplay kind-of-a-SUX.