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Forum Home > Maps & mods > ONS-Reichstag
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Jan 23, 2011 9:33 AM
VK!* Member - Joined: Dec 02, 2009
Posts: 460
Hello again,

I've been busy lately, working on my next map. (After work)
The original idea came from a map in year 2003 when playing Call Of Duty.
It's a popular German landmark.
The date of the map where it's set is. 27 February 1933

In 1933 fire broke out in the building, destroying much of the Reichstag.
It is to date still unclear who started the fire, but the Communists were blamed.
It gave a boost to Hitler's Party, the NSDAP, who would soon come to power.
The building was damaged even more at the end of the war, when the Soviets entered Berlin.
The picture of a Red Army Soldier raising the Soviet flag on the Reichtag is one of the most famous 20th century images and symbolized Germany's defeat.

More details coming soon,
In the meantime: Here are some pictures:

More details;
4 New weapons, all Airstrike like. Because this area is in war u got to watch out what's coming above u.

The size of the map is about Minus.
Red has better defence than blue, but blue got some good defence at primary nodes.

There are no flying vehicles. The vehicle setup is like Minus/Nevermore maps, to get close to realism in 1933. (No heli's)

The strongest tank is the Omnitaur.
The strongest weapon is the Nuclear-Air Strike.
10 nodes to worried about.

The map weight is about 48,2 Megs (Custom textures)


Foibos can u edit the thread name to ReighStag
Thank u

Last edited by: vk__ Jan 24, 2011 11:09 AM
Jan 23, 2011 12:46 PM
Thomas!to* Member - Joined: Jun 15, 2009
Posts: 221
impressive kenny!

but there is on thing: back in 1933, the dome wasn't made out of glass and it wasn't a dome actually, google it but hey no need to be accurate there since it looks better the way it is now. but in case you keep the glass astrodome, you should increase its size! i know one can't see that clearly on the numerous photos, but the dome is actually very large and a spiral walkway is inside it. just look through some recent stuff from inside and you get an idea from the dimensions! =)

keep up the good work
and stop by on the server more often
Jan 23, 2011 1:41 PM
Non-member Joined: Jun 20, 2009
Posts: 234
Just a few quick reminders while you're still on the production stage:

- Besides design, is the map gameplay-worthy? Are there choke points? Do most nodes have at least two possible approaches? Are the bases properly designed to provide cover, but also allow core rushes? Are comebacks possible? Are weaps plentiful and well stocked with ammo? Are vehicles balanced and supportive of 32p? Are there any new features/mechanics/paths and have they been properly indicated to players?
- Is the map Crusha-worthy (:p)? Are there proper fps optimizations for the geometry load you're putting on GPUs (zones and antiportals)? Have footstep sounds, EAX and other audio considerations been addressed? Are there too many channels due to many small knickknacks?
- Have you come up with an all capitals title (and subtitle) for the map yet ^^?

Ya know, standard stuff :p
Eyes in the skies.
Jan 23, 2011 3:09 PM
VK!* Member - Joined: Dec 02, 2009
Posts: 460
Yeah i know that Thomas, but i took the recent version, i thought the size is actually the same as in real. U can not enter that dome, it's visual.
(And nice score in playground today)

The map is 90% done with 90+ hours building/thinking time=)

- Sure the map is gameplay worthly!
- Choke points?
- At least 2 at each node.
- Buildings are designed to provide cover, red has more cover than blue, but blue is better in other ways. (Blue are the attackers).
- Core rushes, maybe with strategy. (Check it out)
- Comebacks must be possible. I see no reason why here.
- Ammo is full.
- Balance of vehicles, (need some test runs with players to find out)
- New weapons, with air strikes!
- What u mean with paths/mechanics indicated?
- The map is for know not Crusha worthy, coz Crusha with blend everything on his path, crazy whore. It will be never a Krusty =) But the fps goes from 30 to 60+

-Zoning is not realy neccesary because it's all open, few anti portals.
-Sounds (must be checked)
-Well maybe u guys can give me some good directions? =)

Jan 23, 2011 4:48 PM
Jancsi.:LLS:. Member - Joined: Aug 06, 2009
Posts: 217
Looks beautiful! This is art.

vk__ wrote:
-Well maybe u guys can give me some good directions? =)

People can give you directions after it's done and is on the server

By the way today was the first time I played on your playground and it rocked! The map has no spammy part ^^
Jan 24, 2011 10:41 AM
Kentaro Member - Joined: Mar 21, 2010
Posts: 205
jancsi33 wrote:

People can give you directions after it's done and is on the server

Agree, waiting for some test on our server

Anyway, looks nice and original.
Nice work !
Jan 24, 2011 10:55 AM
VK!* Member - Joined: Dec 02, 2009
Posts: 460
First test run today as soon foibos shows up.

Jan 24, 2011 11:58 AM
Non-member Joined: Jun 20, 2009
Posts: 234
Kenny, in strategic terms a choke point is any kind of narrow passage that forces opposing forces to fight in suboptimal ways, usually to the advantage of the fewer. Choke points are also a good place to ambush larger (but unaware) parties.
In ONS, that would amount to link setups with only one primary to/from each base, or any other situation where to advance, it has to be done through only one node (i.e. no multiple paths around a problem point). Result of that is, gameplay gets bogged down around this node with both teams' players spawning, attacking, dieing and repeating the same with no way around it for dozens fo minutes (think old Battlefront, linear node setup in Primeval, etc.). Suffice it to say, choke points limit choices and strip gameplay of any fun.

About properly indicating new features, paths or mechanics for players, that has to do with making any of these things you might have included in a new map clearly visible and understandable for ppl. Take S7/S8 for example; you placed signs on the walls to let ppl know where certain teleporters and paths lead. In Playground, the jumppads have trails that tell you approximately where they're flinging you towards (jumppads that look like fan blades also do this with a wind effect/emitter). Usually these aids need only exist in the first few versions of maps (until everyone's familiar with the geometry and tricks), but they can be of great help at times, esp. if a new feature isn't as simple to understand as taking the right path (a bad example of this is Rail with the button in each hangar that opens and closes the doors; many ppl haven't even realized such a thing exists and could be used to their advantage because it's not placed/highlighted well enough).

Knickknack is a word that describes all sorts of disparate little, unimportant things; trinkets, doodads... you know. What I meant to describe by that here are all the various little powerups, like health vials, jump boots, relics, kamikazi deemers, etc., as well as other channel-dependent elements like movers that all affect overall server-side bandwidth consumption in the end.

Btw, I'd like to request, parallel to server availability, a DL link to the map here for some offline testing just in case we happen to miss it online. Cheers.
Eyes in the skies.
Jan 24, 2011 12:14 PM
VK!* Member - Joined: Dec 02, 2009
Posts: 460

Can someone provide me a link to UTdesp program i lost it. Maybe u need additonal weapon files; let me know is case.

I could build more and more, but my filesize is reaching higher and higher.


Last edited by: vk__ Jan 24, 2011 2:11 PM
Jan 24, 2011 12:29 PM
Non-member Joined: Jun 20, 2009
Posts: 234
Eyes in the skies.
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