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Forum Home > General Discussion > And the guy stands finally up to have a look in this time vortex, in hope to see some pieces of this future he wants to known from what it's made off
And the guy stands finally up to have a look in this time vortex, in hope to see some pieces of this future he wants to known from what it's made off
Sep 24, 2009 7:10 PM
)NTAC(Egopalantir=- Co-Founder - Joined: Jun 30, 2009
Posts: 25
As the foundations of the clan are getting well, and during the spy mission of Palemoon for looking about how other clans do organise their way of life, I convocated me and myself for a brainstorming...
While my three neurons where meeting each other (hard work, believe me), a bright light apears to me : I had a reveletion from the God of Frags... : as we are 3 and a half player (with 3 neurons, I count for half), we can't have any contest, it's evident.

You can see this brain's working well tonite.

If we aim to have some competition, we will need a kind of recruitement. I don't know how to proceed, so those datas about how other clans do should be welcome...

But, as we will defend, as clan, this "sense of sportmanship" (hey, you see ? I read the news !) the way we will recruit must answer this goal too. So those who claims to join must have this sportmanship attitude too.

Just before the overheat LED blinks, my brain breathed me an other idea : "take a sheet of paper and a pen, and write those nicks you consider having the qualities defined in the clan". So I did for those past 48 hours, with a value I want to add : Urt is a game, must stay a game, for entertainement, but for this, that must stay clean.... so those nicks must encounter this value : clean attitude, fairplay (often), measured words in chat during gameplay, what else ? It seems to be what we can represent, and those values are what we can also defend as a clan known therefor. In this list, I didn't had any importance in nationality : so, aproaching some of these people for recruitment could be something really diplomatic (UN Blue helmet stage on preparation....).
Due to Palemoon's bad days of the past weeks, I think it's something important. So, do I share this list, as I consider you may know those names better tha me or in another way than me (as I consider me like a noob even with some month playing) ?

Some of these players seems to sound like evidence, as they have a real reputation in game, but my "dreamteam" list is not closed yet, and some other ideas are welcome : I need ice to cold my brain (good boy, brain, good boy, nice job, go and rest, now...)

The end of this post will become my gimmic : let's frag, guys !
(Oooops, smoke from an ear....give me this iiiiiiiice !!!! Pshshshshshshshshsh aaaaaaaaahhhhh !!!)
Last edited by: egopalantir Sep 24, 2009 9:41 PM
Sep 24, 2009 11:54 PM
)NTAC( Saladin Founder - Joined: Aug 12, 2009
Posts: 23
Hey Buddy,great ideas in this post...what about a voice/chat setup?Anyone know anything about that?We could always download a free VOIP client and be able to chatter and plan via mike.Any thoughts?Feel free to post your list of potential recruits,Egopalantir,and we'll all discuss the players and say...put it to a vote?I have a buddy I want to join up who actually came up with the name"NoTalentAssClowns",I think he'd get along just fine,very mellow and tactical player,he goes by the handle"warmotor"...which was a metal band we used to play in.
Oct 02, 2009 3:56 PM
)NTAC(Egopalantir=- Co-Founder - Joined: Jun 30, 2009
Posts: 25
Sorry to be so late fot answer : screen problems, connection problems, girlfriend problems, and searching for a free hosting for files other than pictures...
For voice client, I'm having a look at Mumble, free and Opensource...Link to the list will follow soon....

Oct 08, 2009 4:24 PM
)NTAC( Palemoon Co-Founder - Joined: Jul 23, 2009
Posts: 23
egopalantir wrote:

Due to Palemoon's bad days of the past weeks, I think it's something important. So, do I share this list, as I consider you may know those names better tha me or in another way than me (as I consider me like a noob even with some month playing) ?

My bad days??? Oh you mean the jerk stealing my name??? Those days aren't over...he's still at it.

I can think of a few names that might be worthy of consideration...and I'm sure Milena knows them as well.

Oct 08, 2009 4:26 PM
)NTAC( Palemoon Co-Founder - Joined: Jul 23, 2009
Posts: 23
egopalantir wrote:
Sorry to be so late fot answer : screen problems, connection problems, girlfriend problems, and searching for a free hosting for files other than pictures...
For voice client, I'm having a look at Mumble, free and Opensource...Link to the list will follow soon....

Just FYI, I am on Linux. So, the client would need to be multi-platform or at least run under WINE.

Oct 08, 2009 8:54 PM
)NTAC(Egopalantir=- Co-Founder - Joined: Jun 30, 2009
Posts: 25
Link for the list : here (sorry, the site is in french but can be translated by clicking on the flag at the bottom)
I didn't know that this parasite was always in action with your nick, Pale... I've seen him 1 or 2 times, but he was kicked quite quickly. I think it's reickofact that tells he was doing his "show" on Paladin Warriors' server before Shooting Gallery, and he doesn't know either how they get rid of him.

For the VoIP client, MUMBLE is multiplatform : it's a SourceForge project, and it works on Linux, W$ and MAC...It seems to be quite simple to use, but I didn't connect to a Mumble server yet. Some clans like {95th} Rifles are using it without problems..

Feel free to change what you want in the list, or we can perhaps talk about it... I do not aim to recruit them absolutely, but if some of them agree with the sportmanship values Sal was talkin about, that can be a first step...

But let's frag !

(I need a panzerfaust, where can I find it on maps, cuz I suck too much fro some days ??!!??)

Note for Milena : Google traduction works fine when translation is hard to find !

PS : I just had a look at this list (some rest is usefull for cleaning my 3 neurons) and I see I missed some nicks...So it's open, nicknames can be added.
Last edited by: egopalantir Oct 09, 2009 9:24 AM
Oct 14, 2009 11:01 PM
Non-member Joined: Sep 09, 2009
Posts: 5
Ok I finished. Take me like two days read all the posts, lol

Btw, nice list Ego. I think I played at least one time with all the people on that list :o

egopalantir wrote:
Note for Milena : Google traduction works fine when translation is hard to find !

Yeah it's very helpful, thanks for the advice =D
But I would like speak english... it's very useful nowadays -.-

Last edited by: milena88 Oct 14, 2009 11:02 PM