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Forum Home > Clan Commo > So ...does anyone know how we can start competing?
So ...does anyone know how we can start competing?
Oct 30, 2009 2:13 PM
)NTAC( Saladin Founder - Joined: Aug 12, 2009
Posts: 23
Hi N-Tac'rs
I wanted to request input from you guys(Pale,Milena,and Ego-P)about how we go about actually getting into scrimms with other teams?

Another issue is membership in our little group.Obviously we need a lot more players to be a competitive team.I'm inclined to just throw the invite at all of the good players we see all the time on │fn│,but I feel that I should discuss that with you three original members before I do.Anyone interested in recieving "co-founder" status?Actually we could all have that ...I think,and then we could all throw out the invite to favored players.

I know I haven't been very active lately but I would like to experience the the "pro-gamer" thing at least once and I think if we're going to do that we prolly ought to get busy.

As I see it we need to agree on a common messenger so that we can plan in real time and also for tactical purposes when we play so...any nominations for messenging software?Something free and cross platform,I'm guessing.Any comments welcome and requests for membership granted,barring original three member's objections.

UPDATE:All "original 3" members are now set to "co-founder",you guys should have sufficient privileges to issue invites.Feel free to invite random people...we'll sort out who gets along as we build.
Last edited by: cannibalcalvin Oct 30, 2009 3:35 PM
Oct 30, 2009 3:24 PM
)NTAC( Saladin Founder - Joined: Aug 12, 2009
Posts: 23
Ego's list of players...all hotshots,unless someone objects I'm going to invite the guys/gals that have profiles on Gametracker.

- Myrio
- New_Urt_Player1 (USA)
- n3wb13
- n00b
- hamster_power (USA)
- Bull_Dozer (USA)
- Kagh_NL_ (Netherlands)-invited
- 2fast_NL_ (Netherlands)
- Serbianspaceman (Serbia)
- [VAD] YaXxar
- |fn|VLTOR ((USA)
- NK-Cell
- PastorOfMuppets
- ButterflyintheSky
- NeWaLeX
- Zoltar (USA)
- Tomeek [CRO]
- {C9}Barnes
- Leobike
- Nomadic
- liuk
- Terminator2000
- |850|B@ll3rs (USA)
- Out_HouseBandits
- MoraleZ
- Wiper (Denmark)
- Boudewijn (Netherlands)
- Toni_L. (Germany)
- {X0X}|-|4><0r (Austria)
- Gralon (France)
- Ukatar (Spain)
- Q0-SE7EN
- reickofact (Mexico)-invited
- Jerry_Seinfeld
- StErmEi
- Quaker
- prunelgk (France)
- 4rch4nge1 (USA)-invited
- (amp3r)wyatt
- insanity_prawn_boy (Germany) aka The_Dude
- Sundance1028
- Plecotus (Poland) aka gacek
- Root_Kit
- diana (GB)
Last edited by: cannibalcalvin Oct 30, 2009 4:13 PM
Nov 08, 2009 7:35 PM
Non-member Joined: Jul 19, 2008
Posts: 2

So when do we practice?
Nov 09, 2009 11:41 AM
)NTAC( Palemoon Co-Founder - Joined: Jul 23, 2009
Posts: 23
Hey Sal,

No real problem with the list, although some are in other clans already. [fn] is going through a reorganization right now so we might be able to pull some of them in (a few left).

The only one I would be concerned about would be SUCK_TITS. He is a good player, but occasionally has racial tendencies, and that might go against the )NTAC( philosophy. Of course, anyone from [fn] can be like that too, but they are just joking.

As for the voice client...mumble is what I think Eco mentioned, and it works with Linux...which is good for me.

In order to compete, we need more than 4 players. I'm pretty sure [fn] would scrim us when we are ready, and they have mumble to.

Nov 09, 2009 11:43 AM
)NTAC( Palemoon Co-Founder - Joined: Jul 23, 2009
Posts: 23
beautifulnihilist wrote:

So when do we practice?

Hey Beautiful,

So are you a member now?

I get my mouse this week so you might have some competition soon. lol Probably take me a week to get used to it.

Last edited by: palemoon Nov 09, 2009 11:44 AM
Nov 09, 2009 11:49 AM
)NTAC( Palemoon Co-Founder - Joined: Jul 23, 2009
Posts: 23
Another quick note...

We should schedule some time for all current members to meet up for some TS games. That would help us start building our TEAM skills. Which is something we will definitely need to compete.

Nov 10, 2009 12:11 AM
)NTAC( Saladin Founder - Joined: Aug 12, 2009
Posts: 23

]Hey Sal,

No real problem with the list, although some are in other clans already. [fn] is going through a reorganization right now so we might be able to pull some of them in (a few left).

The only one I would be concerned about would be SUCK_TITS. He is a good player, but occasionally has racial tendencies, and that might go against the )NTAC( philosophy. Of course, anyone from [fn] can be like that too, but they are just joking.

As for the voice client...mumble is what I think Eco mentioned, and it works with Linux...which is good for me.

In order to compete, we need more than 4 players. I'm pretty sure [fn] would scrim us when we are ready, and they have mumble to.


All sounds good,off to find a good link to mumble
Last edited by: cannibalcalvin Nov 10, 2009 12:29 AM
Nov 10, 2009 12:27 AM
)NTAC( Saladin Founder - Joined: Aug 12, 2009
Posts: 23
Hey Pale,DLed mumble and installed /configured...are you familiar with that program?
Nov 10, 2009 12:31 AM
)NTAC( Saladin Founder - Joined: Aug 12, 2009
Posts: 23
beautifulnihilist wrote:

So when do we practice?
beautifulnihilist wrote:

So when do we practice?
palemoon wrote:
beautifulnihilist wrote:

So when do we practice?

Hey Beautiful,

So are you a member now?

I get my mouse this week so you might have some competition soon. lol Probably take me a week to get used to it.


Hey BN,working on it:-)
Nov 10, 2009 12:32 AM
)NTAC( Saladin Founder - Joined: Aug 12, 2009
Posts: 23