cannibalcalvin • PM |
Nov 19, 2009 11:22 PM
)NTAC( Saladin
![]() Posts: 23 |
I was playing today on Ninja FFA when it occurred to me to try my M-4 on "semi-auto".Coincidentally,[fn] Nigel joined the room and I engaged him in a q&a session.The room was slow(maybe 4 or 5 players) and Nigel,being a pretty cool guy,answered up with some great info.
The number one thing is using "semi-automatic" mode on the auto rifles.Apparently,and I noticed this right away,accuracy is significantly enhanced by using this mode and a fast right fore-finger will snap out rounds nearly as fast as full auto.Probably some of you are looking at each other in bewilderment and thinking "duh,n00bzor,we've always used semi...hello?",but this is a new thing for me,the former Negev Ninja.O:) Number two was body armor.He doesn't recommend it,but he says always use a helmet.I agree because I noticed that I have WAY more endurance without the weight and my ability to jump and dodge are much better as well. Three was silencers,we didn't go into "why",but obviously it helps lower the "sonic footprint" you make when you move and fire,and for me at least,i seem to shoot more accurately with a quiet weapon.He also recommends the "LR" rifle for accuracy over the other auto rifles. Don't get me wrong:I ain't saying "DO IT THIS WAY" or anything ,I'm just posting what has been working for me.I'd love to hear everyone's ideas about fire discipline and such so feel free to brainstorm or whatever in this thread. Tactically speaking,I've noticed that guys that work together as a focused team tend to win the short sharp encounters typical of UrT game play.I'd like to entertain suggestions and ideas as to how we can organize ourselves into functioning fire teams and squads.It would be neat if a )NTAC( 4 person unit could move around a map like an IRL Seal Team would except with our special super powers as allowed by Urt(power slides,wall jumping) totally covering and covered by the OTHER )NTAC( fire team.We have enough people for one fire team and the start of another,or possibly a fire team and one "Tactical Coordinator" otherwise know as the Commander.As far as "Commanders" go,I think we either have tryouts or we elect a "in-game" commander,but I would like to hear from everyone and reach a consensus if at all possible. |
milena88 • PM |
Nov 20, 2009 7:13 PM
![]() Posts: 5 |
Totally agree about body armor, I always find it very useless.
And after trying a lot of items combinations, now I finally decided for the silencer, the Laser Sight and the helmet (I don't choose granades, because always you can pick up of the floor :p ). That items works for now... or that's what I think :o PS: All that commander thing sounds good, but first of all, we need play together guys. Seriously, we should pick a day and have some practice together. PS2: Almost forgot, about mumble, I can install and configure and everything... but I will have problems with that, because I dont speak english, not at all. Maybe I can understandsome words, but that's all... sorry :s |
palemoon • PM |
Nov 20, 2009 8:44 PM
)NTAC( Palemoon
![]() Posts: 23 |
milena88 wrote: Ok, so we will also need a stand-in translator for Milena. ![]() I agree with the other stuff as well. I usually stick to the LR, but have been testing other weapons the past week or two. I never wear body armor and lately haven't had a helmet either. I've always used the silencer though. I don't use the laser sight because it tends to give your location away sometimes. I've been practicing at being a sniper lately, and have had some knife only rounds (which I suck at!). I agree with Milena, we need to pick a date and maybe play a little TS? We can skip the voice bit for now if we want. -P- |
cannibalcalvin • PM |
Nov 21, 2009 1:48 AM
)NTAC( Saladin
![]() Posts: 23 |
Cool,this sounds great.
Milena:Please don't feel bad about your language,we will work around it somehow.Tactical communications is fairly simple,a list of general directions and warnings much like the in game commo lists,except more free form.Probably we should keep the tactical channel free of chatter and make only simple essential communications maybe set up fire team channels for in-fire team chatter.You are also right about getting into a practice ASAP and any dates and times should be posted here so we can come to a consensus.Also,your game play has been great lately:-) Palemoon:Good to see you posting:-)I've recently switched to the LR myself and dropped the body armor.I have started using the laser and find that "high porting" your weapon keeps the laser from giving you away...sometimes:-)Also:You've been kicking ass and chewing bubble gum yourself lately:) Edit;Also,everyone please note that I like to use the word "consensus",I don't like dictatorial people,so I don't want to act like one myself...I would like for us all to have a general sense of agreement about how we organize and operate and any concerns or complaints brought forward asap so the group can deal with it.
Last edited by: cannibalcalvin Nov 21, 2009 1:55 AM
palemoon • PM |
Nov 21, 2009 5:19 AM
)NTAC( Palemoon
![]() Posts: 23 |
saladin01 wrote: What? No more noob gun? lol j/k Yeah, I've been using the M4 for a bit and seem to do better with that. ![]() I don't know if you guys (gals) know it, but if you jump and shoot close to someone's head just as you start to come down from the jump, it is usually an instant kill. I don't know if it's a glitch in the game, but I got it from cookies at FN...speaking of cookies and FN... Here is a quote from cookies (post on FN site): [quote] Post How To Aim, Sensitivity rate 25000 cl_packetdup 2 cl_maxpackets 42 (assuming your fps is 125 solid) acceleration off sensitivity (Left to Right on your mousepad should be approximately a 360 turn) m_pitch 0.015 (lowers up-down sensitivity to about 2/3 of Left-Right, good for headshots) try to not spam movemennt penalty is significant and proportional to velocity so try a quick tap in the direction opposite of your momentum to reduce your speed before you shoot vertical movement penalty is larger then horizontal so shoot at the tops of your jumps when jump and avoid strafing over stairs and what not I use these settings against high pingers...seems to help. |
egopalantir • PM |
Nov 21, 2009 10:23 AM
![]() Posts: 25 |
I agree with the equipment : kevlar is useless, and makes lose speed. Ok for helmet, but I took a bind to get it off when I feel necessary (simply 'bind X "ut_itemdrop helmet"' in autoexe.cfg file), because I found a script to bind a key for sprint on/off.
Wih this script, jumps are efficient earlier on a run, and give possibilities to glide earlier too. But on the other side, I have to look more often to my stamina... For guns, I agree the LR choice, but not always : I like my little G36, especially because of the scope ! Perhaps the weight of years on my eyes, lol !!! No, seriously, I feel more accurate on long range shots with it, especially on maps with great paths like Kingdom or Eagle. I'm also currently training to aim during long glides or during runs (rightclic-scope-HS-rightclic-unscope, haha). Other advantages to silencer : it hides the flame from fire and reduce spread, specially for G36 (the difference is real AND perceptible). Regarding Mumble, th problem is quite different for me as I speak english quite well, but I need some practice (I search my words and don't know if Google traductor is available for voice...), so I sign with both hands... To give a hand to Milena, perhaps a code or some binds on teamchat (didn't expect if it's possible)? I noticed something else : time diference between US, Argentina and Belgium. 5 hours between Shooting Gallery (based in Texas) and me... As it makes no problems right now, that can be a problem for organisation further in time : imagine an encounter fixed at 22:00 PM Texas hour, that gives +5 for 3:00 AM... As I don't care for the moment, that could not be possible 2 or 3 times a week. Do not worry about it yet, but we must keep it in mind. I finish quickly : will have a look at the difference between auto and semi-auto right now ! Edit : I'm fan with consensus. Most of belgian people are fan with it ! So, give some dates for a practice all together, and we'll arrange the details. Notice : why Gametracker doesn't send a mail notice when there's a new post ? Edit : I found some ideas for my gameplay in demos or videos posted by gamers. On the following link, a compilation with amazing frag...
Last edited by: egopalantir Nov 22, 2009 2:22 PM
milena88 • PM |
Nov 22, 2009 8:27 PM
![]() Posts: 5 |
palemoon wrote: Yeah that's right i probed that before and really works (more when the opponent don't use a helmet :p) and the sound of the instant kill it's just great, lol. About guns, I think the best one is AK-103, but I dont use it because for some reason I find it very difficult to aim. Just for that now I'm using LR-300. egopalantir wrote: You're right ego, we will have problems with that :s Whatever, first of all we should say what days we are available for play. I can weekends since 10 pm (I think that would be around 8 pm for US, 2 am for belgium). And wednesday around 8 pm or friday in the same hour. I'm not sure if I can play another day of the week. But surely we can arrive at a consensus, like sal said.
Last edited by: milena88 Nov 22, 2009 8:28 PM
beautifulnihilist • PM |
Nov 23, 2009 4:30 PM
![]() Posts: 2 |,_lag_meter,_and_gaming_consistency_guide_to_Urban_Terror#The_Lag_Meter
^ A big chunk to swallow, but damned good info. I notice myself that Shooting Gallery plays a HELL of a lot smoother with no dropped hits with /ut_timenudge 6-10 pitch and yaw determine how fast you dip and turn. // think of pitch and yaw as a grid, the high the setting // the more line's it skips from one to the other, // where as sensivity hits all of them, only faster. // SO, the moral of the story is, lower your pitch & Yaw // and raise your sensitivity. Mainly you want to find a // good mouse "feel". So: /m_pitch .010 /m_yaw .010 ^ This lets you hit every spot without 'skipping' grids. With a sensitivity that feels 'natural', this effectively makes every weapon more accurate with a longer range. [Notice how long range headdies are impossible because your crosshair 'skips' over them even if you go super slow? Now it won't SKIP] Try the UMP with a laser. You can easily snipe with it; you don't even need to ease off the trigger, it has almost NO spread. Long range maps I find the laser UMP to be my primary, and I use the LRM3400 like a secondary: an MP5 that does massive damage. |
cannibalcalvin • PM |
Nov 24, 2009 2:10 AM
)NTAC( Saladin
![]() Posts: 23 |
Hi guys,Palemoon,ego,milina and Beautiful
Super good info here,all posts appreciated:-).....crap,I just reread this thread,great stuff every UrT player should know about. As to a practice session....How about we go CTF or TDM on an active server maybe?or prolly better yet,just find a low ping empty one and and start running plays.I nominate "this coming Saturday the 28th" at a time to be agreed upon by all.BeautifulNihilist would like to participate in our practices and I think his input could be very valuable to us. Any other days and whatever hours work,please post in this thread.We'll start a fresh thread for our after practice talk...actually,any one can start a thread,feel free guys:-) |
egopalantir • PM |
Nov 29, 2009 8:08 AM
![]() Posts: 25 |
Well, as you give the 28th november for first training, I stayed connected...
My days are almost every day between 3:00 pm and 21:00 or 22::00pm (Shooting Galery time), and evidently friday and saturday nights are free... For sundays, I don't know : it depends on what the next week is made of. But I spent a nice time tonight : ask Palemoon, how many time it tooks to ban an aimbot... and after this purge, real nice moments... My opinion is that hiring beautiflNihilist should be valuable... I saw some things amazing, tonite !
Last edited by: egopalantir Nov 29, 2009 9:28 AM