gavrila • PM |
Mar 15, 2010 6:49 PM
![]() Posts: 7 |
1. What are commands and how to see a list of them:
Every leveled player on the server has commands. The commands are used to manage a part of the settings on the server, or players or to find out some info. To use it: press this key on your keyboard "~" to see the console. Type "!help" to see your commands (the amount of command changes at every PRZ level). For example there is a command: "!listplayers" which shows a list of the actual players on the server with some additional info. To see how to use this command, type this in console: "!help listplayers" which will show what this command is used for. Another example is "!help mute" where "mute" is another command which is used to mute a player so he can't use the main or any chat on the server, basically he cannt chat. The correct usage of a command: "!mute John" which will mute a player named "John". Where "!mute" is the command and "John" is the name of a player. When using commands no need to type the full name of a player, just use a part of it. For example "!mute Joh". It can happen that there are more than one players on the server which name's contain the "Joh" so no result will show up, just a warning. In this case you have to type the ID of that player instead of the name. Ex: "!mute 15", where 15 is the temporary ID of the player named "John". Every player gets a new ID every time when they conecting to the server. So to find out a player's ID number, just type "!listplayers" and see the number next to the player's name. You can use the commands in silent mode by using the key / before the command: /!mute John In this case noone can see that you typed that command. 2. The most used commands and their meanings: !mute --> stops a player to can talk in the mainchat, teamchat, fire teamchat, to send private messages or to use server commands !unmute --> opposide of the mute, it allows to talk in chats or use commands !kick --> disconnect a player from the server and restrict to play for 5 minutes !ban --> disconnect a player from the server and restrict to play for a longer period of time (or even permanent) !unban --> opposide of ban, it allows a player to play on the server after the restriction is over !banlist --> a list of banned players who cannt connect to the server !baninfo --> info about a specific banned player (why he was banned and by who) !seen --> when a player was seen last time on the server !listplayers --> shows a list of actual players on the server !resetmyxp --> resets all my earned experience (XP) points on the server !spec --> puts a player in spectator mode and follows another player !admintest --> shows a specific player's level info on the server !putteam --> moves a player from one team to another, from a team to spectator mode, or a spectator to a team !restart --> restarts the actual map on the server !shuffle --> randomly mixes the allies and axis players on the server !spec999 --> moves in spectator mode every player who has very high ping (999) !finger --> shows some information and level of a player !help --> shows all the available commands specific to the level you are (every level has different number of commands) !setlevel --> sets a higher or lower level of a player 3. When to use commands: a, when a player brakes the rules need to be punished, the level of the punishment it depends the level of his offence. 4. Different real cases: a, When you come in the server and see someone is muted, the first thing you should do is ask another member if he knows why the player is muted. If there is no other member on the server on that moment, just unmute the player and ask him why he was muted. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: The page might be continously UPDATED. Please check back at least once in a week. |
kernelu • PM |
Mar 15, 2010 7:26 PM
![]() Posts: 3 |
I do NOT, i repeat, I do NOT AGREE!!!
PS 1: (but still, the most important command is !resetmyxp - u should always do that when u connect to the server - better: make a bind: bind MOUSE1 "+attack; say !resetmyxp;" ) PS 2: when u see landmines, u have to step on them
Last edited by: kernelu Mar 15, 2010 7:35 PM
styller_ • PM |
Mar 16, 2010 7:12 AM
![]() Posts: 1 |
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prznic • PM |
Mar 16, 2010 7:20 AM
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nice rules kernelu
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gavrila • PM |
Mar 16, 2010 7:39 AM
![]() Posts: 7 |
bind MOUSE1 "+attack; say !gay kernelu;" )
chuknorris • PM |
Mar 16, 2010 8:08 AM
![]() Posts: 1 |
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dragonji • PM |
Mar 16, 2010 9:05 AM
![]() Posts: 16 |
chuknorris wrote: ![]() ![]() ![]() sKy.eSports Community|Blog o Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Last edited by: dragonji Apr 14, 2010 8:19 AM
pihi • PM |
Apr 21, 2010 8:41 PM
![]() Posts: 1 |
bind c "kickkerni; SendMsgAdi'nelu is gay isnt she?'; echo ^1lol kerni is out and she is gay!"
![]() 1. Always step on Kernelu's landmines! 2. Always keep the 10 mile distance from Kernelu's molotov-throwing-area! 3. Don't get close in his back, he might think of something else. 4. If you still get in his back for some reason, be sure you have vaseline in your pocket. 5. When he is your enemy, never, I mean NEVER get close to his tank! you reamin without legs. 6. If you still get close to his tank, just STAND STILL, you will be shot, but better to be dead with full body, then try to run around without legs. 7. Stealing Kernelu's preciousssss gold is not adviced, he is always behind some door, even if there is no door nearby. 8. Just don't try to block all the ways toward HIS tank, if he want that tank repaired he always gets an N-th way to get there. 9. Don't ask him for getting into TS3, his long rocker hair blocks the way of the sound reaching his receptor nerves in his head, but I am not sure he has such a thing (note: refering to the head). 10. If you feel you running out of landmines, go ask Kernelu, he always has some break-the-glass-in-emergency-case-landmines. <3 Kerniii.
Last edited by: pihi Apr 21, 2010 8:51 PM
kernelu • PM |
Apr 26, 2010 5:27 PM
![]() Posts: 3 |
OMG! u made me read all that crap
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harakiri-jr • PM |
Oct 09, 2011 3:02 PM
![]() Posts: 1 |
Hi i need some help with finnding the right wolfenstein ET version because if i join it sais the server is outdated