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Tales Of The Idiot
May 20, 2010 6:02 PM
Non-member Joined: Mar 10, 2010
Posts: 146
Ive decided to make a thread so people can post stories of the biggest idots in SGC history! have funn! (this is not to insult anyone! just a fun oh my god this guy did this, kinda thing)
Last edited by: kagegekido May 20, 2010 6:04 PM
May 20, 2010 7:15 PM
Geek_Loco Clan Leader - Joined: Apr 25, 2009
Posts: 231
Sorry, but I think I am the only one qualified to use the term "SGC History" around here. Probably a more operable phrase would be "in this last year of SGC".

Even considering how long DM2K, Zooter, and Ash have been with us (just over one year), Kraka, Boteeteea, Honda, Roland, and Jack Bauer have more seniority and time in service for many more idiot stories that qualify "in SGC history!"

So for starters, if you ever get a chance to talk to Kraka, tell him that I asked "'whose fault' it was". You are pretty much guaranteed a laugh before he answers. It is in reference to an idiot I banned out of the RavenShield servers years ago. Good Times.

May 20, 2010 7:25 PM
Non-member Joined: Mar 10, 2010
Posts: 146
i stole the phrase >:D i guess i should tell my own many good times...hmmm...i guess mine would have to be the time i entered your servers for the first time...and a guy was spawning a heck of alot of cars (in physics mode, not dynamic) he was jet packing around, but then spawned a car on top of himself (actually like 5-10) and killed himself, he cursed the team out because all defibs were used already, then raged xD
May 20, 2010 7:29 PM
cpt.eagle Server Owner - Joined: Mar 04, 2010
Posts: 128
lol. you dont need to be long in sgc to have like 1000 stories. and i could tell stories the whole day. but the funny thing is that i try to figure out when i can join the servers and not meet a stupid guy that trys to screw me. well, that said. i playd with a grup today. i think they have to be noobs. all of them start to trow bile. but since they was noobs they didnt trow away the bile. they trow it right infront of them self. well, you all know what happends next. they did incap them self only because they use bile. and the horde cam and knock them down well, i couldnt even kick them for that, coz they did the work for me
May 20, 2010 8:33 PM
Non-member Joined: Mar 10, 2010
Posts: 146
modded servers+noobs=roflmao
May 21, 2010 8:43 AM
Non-member Joined: Feb 23, 2010
Posts: 179
ok, i have 2 relating the the same result in the end.

ther first one we all know about. Someone pretended to be me in my server. BUT the problem is there were 2 admins in the server at the time. Needless to say this person was banned. but this is not the best part.....this person later decided to protest the ban. Logs were pulled up to prove this as well as they decided to type it in.

the next story is another person pretending to be me. BUT this one is even better. This person claimed to be me and said they would ban me for life if i did not do what they said. At this time i had a different name on as i like to do. I changed my name to my real name, had console give a message and slayed them. they said i was lying and was hacking....needless to say i laughed and banned them for life.

one more for good measure. im not giving names for this one but were were on the bridge. i was pretending to not be me like usual. Just playing the game like a normal player. This person fell off the bridge. to be nice we reset as he requested. He died again. to be nice we restarted. can you guess what happens next? he dies again....this time we refuse to reset because we had before and he just didnt understand the concept of water = bad. the whole time he was typing in chat that we sucked, and just pissing and moaning that we wouldnt reset and that he was going to report us for not being a team player.
Last edited by: chipmunkspider May 21, 2010 8:44 AM
May 21, 2010 2:40 PM
Non-member Joined: Mar 10, 2010
Posts: 146
hehe i remember the first guy..he was my friend ^_^; i guess people can be stupid even when you think thier not
May 22, 2010 8:51 PM
Non-member Joined: Mar 11, 2010
Posts: 72
That first one, was that the guy that was asking me how I was noclipping on "his" server?
May 23, 2010 9:03 PM
Non-member Joined: Mar 10, 2010
Posts: 146
alright i got another one, While playing l4d on a modded server a guy asked how i was flying all over the place (in noclip) well the server allowed it and i saw no reason not to tell him,i told him to open console, he didnt have after 1 hour of explaining HOW to open it...i told him to type in noclip...he refused because he said it would take away the ammo in his gun...i went ballistic and raged...later to find that he sent a friend request, i added him for the hell of it, he sent me a message "i forget how to open console"...we never spoke to each other again
May 24, 2010 7:59 PM
Non-member Joined: Feb 23, 2010
Posts: 179
wow, that takes a special person
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