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Forum Home > General Discussion > being called an admin when not
being called an admin when not
Mar 18, 2011 5:32 AM
Non-member Joined: Mar 11, 2011
Posts: 19
i under stand i that i am not the most beloved player , buts there is a topi c i want to get across, and if its happened to you please don't hold your tongue !!!
Mar 18, 2011 5:39 AM
Non-member Joined: Mar 11, 2011
Posts: 19
so almost every time i am on sgc servers , some noob will call me an admin because of the binds , not yet realizing the difference between having binds and being an administrator , i am always quick to correct . and also never lie about being an admin , like the time when dogbreathe and other admins were on og's server under aliases, i was giving a bit of lip, and they said who are you, as if to say watch ur tongue boy , though i responded nothing more than a user of og's server.

May 21, 2011 6:21 PM
Non-member Joined: May 20, 2011
Posts: 5
zaphod, get want to ban some guy for saying a bad word....said it have little patience as it seems. I heard og say a few f_uck words when i played in his server
May 21, 2011 6:27 PM
Non-member Joined: May 20, 2011
Posts: 5
this Zaphod guy seems like a real cry he works from home.
May 21, 2011 6:32 PM
Non-member Joined: May 20, 2011
Posts: 5
let me say this final comment before i go off to more important things.

your severs are gay, i challenge anyone of you to a realism game on expert mode.

let's see you play without your call them modes, well accept the offer......I assure you i will be saving your ass the entire game.

if i played L4D2, the way you clowns play, I would be on the top of the charts....but I wouldn't be able to sleep at night, knowing that I cheated. See I went to Jesuit schooling all my life and cheating is for sinners.
May 22, 2011 10:49 AM
dogbreath6k9 Server Admin - Joined: Apr 12, 2010
Posts: 120
If u think our servers are "gay" why are you trolling around our forums? be true to yourself... come out of the closet.

having heard og use profanity "a few times" means u have played on our servers more than once... yet... it's gay?

bet ur not brave enough to give us your Steam ID so we can help u from ever accidentally connecting to our servers again.
Last edited by: dogbreath6k9 May 22, 2011 11:54 AM
May 24, 2011 1:51 AM
cpt.eagle Server Owner - Joined: Mar 04, 2010
Posts: 128
lol, i can play a realisme game on any mode if you want that. and i wil at least do as well as you do. i dont only play modded games (shame on me) and sometimes realisme expert is kind of boring when i play on normal servers. not because i die to much, but because it is to few zombies and to few specials. i rather play easy on my own MODDED server and have fun. and clearly you dont know the difrence betwen modded and cheat server so i bet all people that like our servers and play evry singel day stil sleep as good as they can after they have playd on our servers