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BT-Records 05.02.2010
Conversion: 2000 = 0sec.
for example: BT-AnC13nT_dbl: 1957: -DreaM.*David*-
2000 - 1957= 43sec.

BT-![UT&SFC]Mazing: 1876: ][.IMBA.][^RTG
BT-!!![SFC]JumpPad: 1913: [SFC]Trooper
BT-(-I-): 1874: dS//mEnEl
BT-3-smileys!!: 1887: aye
BT-4aLL-vF: 1895: bond
BT-AboveAndBeyond: 1807: ***ivo***
BT-Abydos: 1794: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-Adeon-FactoryCB: 1789: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-AerialCB: 1986: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-Alcatras: 1422: [SFC]Trooper
BT-Alchemist-v2_dbl: 1842: XAN*_*___*_*XAN
BT-A-Little-Fun-[z1]-: 1974: [DuS]R/\MP/\GE
BT-Allied_fix: 1917: -((nR*))-xan-killer
BT-AnC13nT_dbl: 1957: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-Ancient_fix: 1967: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-AncLand: 1646: blue^
BT-aQua3: 1956: -((nR*))-xan-killer
BT-Arise_dbl: 1909: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-Arrieris: 1979: blue^
BT-Athletic100: 1978: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-Athletic1000: 1955: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-Average_i4g: 1950: tripZ-
BT-Bananas-v2: 1818: b~
BT-BaNdIt_dbl: 1841: b~
BT-Beginner: 1952: Hanys
BT-BehindSunrise: 1766: [SFC]Trooper
BT-Blahblahblah-v2: 1931: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-BlueVsRed: 1987: {ROZ}Zoopa
BT-Bounce!: 1986: BooM_BooM
BT-Buildings_fix: 1735: Xavius
BT-BunnY_n00bS: 1842: xzotic
BT-CBA4ITtbfh][_i4g: 1912: -DreaM.w0od-
BT-CentralCore-vF: 1952: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-Circle: 1892: Strump
BT-CityDry: 1971: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-CJ-Pwnz: 1946: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-ClockTickingBackwards_vF:1948: blue^
BT-Color[Blind]_i4g: 1950: RaD^Dizzeh`
BT-CorkWood-v2: 1840: blue^
BT-Crap: 1933: jemoer
BT-Crypt: 1965: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-CrypT_dbl: 1974: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-Cryptical: 1961: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-CTTT][-vpractice: 1981: {ROZ}Zoopa
BT-CTTT]I[-vPractice: 1953: [SFC]~F.o.t.D~
BT-CTTT-v3: 1894: Xx-t3Ct0N1k-xX
BT-CursedSanctuary: 1947: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-CyberInc: 1914: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-Darkness_fix: 1623: Optimus_>_Prime_
BT-Decommissoned-vF: 1902: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-DEEP_nb: 1919: ][.IMBA.][^RTG
BT-DepthsOfHell: 1739: blue^
BT-Desolate_fix: 1912: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-Destroyed[Bunker]_i4g: 1869: blue^
BT-Desturbed-v3: 1920: blue^
BT-Disortion: 1952: {N.I.P}No_Intel
BT-Distanc3: 1838: SabRe`
BT-DM: 1927: LooN
BT-DragRaceCB: 1925: Pawel
BT-DuBBeLvlA's-Crypt_i4g:1787: blue^
BT-Dungeons-vF2: 1862: T'mehhh
BT-EasiestBTEver_: 1987: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-EasilyDone: 1877: [DuS]Handzbeat
BT-Easy_fix: 1949: >R!fTm4k3R<
BT-EasyBunny: 823 : TLA.Toremantor
BT-EasyEscape: 1969: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-Eazy_To_Cap: 1908: xGuardiaNx
BT-EaZyAsCaKe_i4g: 1905: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-Efreet-v2: 1877: blue^
BT-Egypt_dbl: 1914: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-EgyptCB: 1913: sleepy
BT-EverySecondCounts(Level1): 1680: Zeus
BT-EverySecondCounts(Level2)-v2:1663: blue^
BT-EvilPower: 1884: trs|Soulhunter
BT-Excentric-v2: 1871: blue^
BT-Eypitan_dbl: 1683: SABATON_40-1
BT-FaA-Duh!_fix: 987 : NAJsmotaniji
BT-Face_bunny: 1949: _-SHC-_A.S.H.
BT-FastestCap: 1980: -[mS]-Xclusive
BT-Find-v2: 1967: [mS]-Xclusive
BT-Finlandia: 1944: Pawel
BT-ForNightWolf: 1931: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-Fragnesscity_dbl: 1579: TLA.Toremantor
BT-Fulinyx: 1866: Legolas
BT-Generation2FIX: 1879: b~
BT-Goblin[Mine]_i4g: 1713: bond
BT-GoGoGo!: 1953: Hem
BT-GravityRace(Fix): 1874: VRN|Skiddy'
BT-GroundZero: 1770: B~
BT-GTF: 1950: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-Hahaha!: 1823: DuS]Handzbeat
BT-HatefullOrbit: 1963: Pawel
BT-HauntingCB: 1796: jereth
BT-HaveACigar: 1965: ("o)Crash(o")
BT-Hells-Chamber: 1563: RaD^Dizzeh`
BT-HighTimes!: 1954: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-HollowTower: 1950: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-HopHop: 1886: ~W¤0T~hiv
BT-II-DoubleVisionCB: 1868: DizzeH^tripZ-
BT-iLLNeSsCB: 1874: qeX][Chrischi^Pika
BT-IndustrialCheeses: 1948: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-InSpace_fix: 1798: TLA.Toremantor
BT-Intensity: 1613: CooKiE
BT-Irritated-v2: 1964: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-Isolated-vf: 1899: Sabre
BT-JungleRush08: 1973: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-Kajka: 1956: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-KnighTmare][-vF: 1795: -=[FRC]=-_MATA_MATA®
BT-l0s3r: 1931: {ROZ}Zoopa
BT-LavaFactory_fixed: 1943: ]KAUT[Ante
BT-LavaFactory2b: 1917: [DuS]Handzbeat
BT-LavaPits-v2b: 1964: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-LeftOrRight-v2: 1941: Pawel
BT-Level_1: 1927: bond
BT-Level_5: 1918: bond
BT-LiquidLab: 1920: Xavius
BT-LittleCastle-v3: 1904: blue^
BT-Lives_vF2: 1949: blue^
BT-LTTT: 1935: [DuS]Handzbeat
BT-LuLaLu: 1971: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-LunaTemple: 1382: jemoer
BT-LUPulse-EZ-v2: 1897: trs|SouljaGirl
BT-MaverickCB: 1905: qeX][Chrischi^Pika
BT-n00b_skillz: 1946: Hem
BT-NaabLand: 1907: Hem
BT-NaliRealm: 1880: Hem
BT-Nane: 1911: blue^
BT-Newby: 1966: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-Nonstop: 1872: blue^
BT-NoobFilter-v2: 1933: fulcrum
BT-NoobLand: 1972: TLA.Toremantor
BT-Noobs-R-Us-LE: 1839: TLA.Toremantor
BT-Noobs-vs-Rushers-v2: 1933: DizzeH
BT-Ocarina_of_Time(EZ): 1286: ]ul[D4nK
BT-OceanoGraphy-CE: 1958: >NecroManceR<
BT-Omgroflmao-v2: 1897: Pawel
BT-OutOfStock-v2: 1936: {ROZ}Zoopa
BT-Pacey-v4: 1931: blue^
BT-PainV5b: 1882: -=]MaryiLY*[=-
BT-Peaceful_fix: 1548: RaD^Dizzeh`
BT-Perplex: 1975: bond
BT-Phantom-v2b: 1962: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-Pharaon: 1853: ]KAUT[Xans^_^
BT-Phazon: 1926: blue^
BT-PhazonCB: 1879: -DreaM.w0od-
BT-Pipes_fix: 1814: Nameless
BT-Puff: 1974: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-QuickAndEasy-v4: 1952: {ROZ}Zoopa
BT-R3B12: 1991: blue^
BT-ReadyForBunnyTrackCB3:1923: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-Recomendacion: 1890: CooKiE
BT-REDvsBLUE-(Level1): 1986: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-REDvsBLUE-(Level2)CB:1970: buAH
BT-REDvsBLUE-(Level3): 1935: Pawel
BT-ReLoaded-vF: 1941: Pawel
BT-rest-LadyPwns: 1876: ]ul[D4nK
BT-Rush: 1934: bond
BT-RuSh2008: 1948: Hem
BT-RushThruEgypt: 1974: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-SandMummy_dbl: 1843: b~
BT-Scope-v2: 1908: CooKiE
BT-SepultectA_IG: 1831: {ROZ}Zoopa
BT-Short-trip: 1978: {-K@C-}Greatsaga
BT-SlideBitch-v2_dbl: 1976: kLeptO*
BT-SmallFall: 1981: Lolly
BT-Smileys!: 1852: niGGer
BT-Snipe_i4g_ez: 1759: bond
BT-SnowyPark_i4g: 1939: bond
BT-SpeedFreaks: 1983: tripZ-
BT-Speed-v2: 1955: RaD^Dizzeh`
BT-Speedy: 1993: tripZ-
BT-Spooky: 1961: mEnEl
BT-Swimming100m: 1975: Xavius
BT-Syphilis: 1807: g2
BT-TEFY: 1889: b~
BT-TehFactory: 1949: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-Teleporter-Maze: 1989: {ROZ}Zoopa
BT-TheBigFall_vF2: 1848: {ROZ}Zoopa
BT-Time2Die: 1890: bo
BT-Timeless-Lv2: 1911: Strumpbyxor
BT-ToEasy_i4g: 1931: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-TombOfEgypt: 1849: blue^
BT-TombRush_V2: 1944: blue^
BT-TotalNoobish: 1821: TLA.Toremantor
BT-Training_dbl: 1782: [UT]-BuLLeT-
BT-UnholyConfessions-v3: 1769: {-K@C-}Greatsaga
BT-uTube-[z1]-: 1674: [SFC]Trooper
BT-Vent: 1969: -DreaM.*David*-
BT-VeryEasy: 1976: Pawel
BT-Volcano-v2: 1791: blue^
BT-w00tw00t_fix: 1962: smithii
BT-Warehouse_i4g: 1588: [SFC]Trooper
BT-Warlord'sCrypt: 1874: bond
BT-WatchYourStep-v2: 1784: TLA.Toremantor
BT-Win98_i4g: 1933: sleepy
BT-Windy-Base: 1914: Xavius
BT-World'sGreatest: 1272: [DuS]DEJ/\\/U
BT-WTFisThISShIT_i4g-vF:1932: [UT]-BuLLeT-
BT-Xeno-Flarice: 1969: smithy-is-lonely:'(
BT-Xeno-Flyinghigh: 1974: Nameless
BT-Xeno-RoomofDespair: 1947: smithy-is-lonely:'(
BT-Zelly: 1888: sleepy
BT-Zwielicht-2: 1970: Sir.HSH|85
BT-Zyron_i4g: 1920: -DreaM.*David*-
Posted by sfcshadow   0 Comments
Feb 05, 2010 9:00 PM
DE Founder
DE Co-Founder
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About Us
Hallo Sniper Freunde
Wir sind immer auf der Suche nach neuen Mitglieder.
Wer Interesse hat, einfach mal auf der Homepage registrieren und sich vorstellen.
Wir selber sind ein junger Clan, gegründet 01.10.08.
Die Member spielen Bunnytrack, Camping und Freestyle.

liebe Grüße der SFC

Hello UT99 Friends
We are always looking for new members.
If you are interested, simply register once on the website and introduce yourself.
We ourselves are a young clan, founded in 01.10.08.
The members play BunnyTrack, Camping and Freestyle.

greetings [SFC]
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