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about the clan
Sep 29, 2012 11:04 AM
|TGS|Pierrot Inactive - Joined: Mar 25, 2012
Posts: 56
hi there!

i would say that the forum isn't very active!!

not much people talking about fear

we probably need to build meeting someday in the week for playing, and using teamspeak is an obligation for best training and enjoying the tgs community!

let me now what u think about this, because for the moment its a bit boring

Sep 29, 2012 12:19 PM
Dankos King of the Gods - Joined: Jun 11, 2012
Posts: 134 one says here because nothing happens I agree with you, should be organized in a clan train but we dont have a takers (
Sep 29, 2012 1:54 PM
|TGS|Pierrot Inactive - Joined: Mar 25, 2012
Posts: 56
dankosss wrote: one says here because nothing happens I agree with you, should be organized in a clan train but we dont have a takers (

yo m8, i could propose myself as a taker

we need a private dm server with password, i didnt play dm and i realize that was a big error, nice for training!

then after few weeks we could play on ctf , because we need better skill before it.

also we could play ctf an dm together...

im not admin so i ask for it with password please

and finally we need teamspeak to build strategy on ctf and for making fun together!!

i propose to make a new thread with arguments about this...for recruiting people!

if we are many it will be good, but if not.....

i propose friday or saturday for practising together..

let me know

--> where can i do a thread in private , only for tgs members? is it "The Things Only Gods Know " ?

Last edited by: pierrot83 Sep 29, 2012 2:12 PM
Sep 29, 2012 5:35 PM
|TGS|CICCIO Clan Leader - Joined: May 08, 2010
Posts: 182
Ye,"The Things Only Gods Know " is a tgs private part of forum, and also i think we are little inactive this days.Not to many players on fear and i will love to have one day(weekend) for meeting.To play together.When i play its oft that i can play only with one tgs member.Maybe Saturday night is good to talk a little and play together.Everyone loves when we are together to play.Also then we can manage some training and joke a little
Sep 30, 2012 5:15 AM
Dankos King of the Gods - Joined: Jun 11, 2012
Posts: 134
Yea, nice idea but without zarath and saw (they're admins, generally i didn't see saw long time) we do nothing pierrot83 wrote:

and finally we need teamspeak to build strategy on ctf and for making fun together!!

I'm every day in our ts but i don't see anyone
Sep 30, 2012 6:25 AM
|TGS|SaW King of the Gods - Joined: Sep 08, 2010
Posts: 147
hello , yes i know we been not to active lately and is alitle sad , but what can i do , canot make fear a yunger game , many of us play other games also.

We need to change some things on server, becouse it seams that is not so atractive as it used to be ...

I am gona be on server during weekends mostly . But i wold like to see people play ewry evening like it used to be
Closed Account
Sep 30, 2012 10:00 AM
:) hey
Pierrot idea its cool... you can count with me
Sep 30, 2012 11:00 AM
|TGS|Pierrot Inactive - Joined: Mar 25, 2012
Posts: 56
saw77 wrote:

We need to change some things on server, becouse it seams that is not so atractive as it used to be ...

i dont like custom map but if u want it....

so my ideas :

- private ctf server

- public ctf server

- public ctf serv with custom maps

- and a private dm server

@Dankos : i will try to be on it

@sacha : thanks a lot, we need people like you !!

Oct 02, 2012 3:04 AM
|TGS|Konazo Inactive - Joined: Apr 18, 2010
Posts: 145
Hey guys,

Yea it has indeed been quite inactive for a while. I joined to play the other day but the server was empty so i joined MXT instead. I would love to get back into modding and making new content to keep the server popular but the problem is i dont have that much time anymore. i have a lot of schoolwork and like saw says, a lot of my time is dedicated to newer games which are more popular.

FEAR is stil a very fun game and its a shame to see it go down but I dont know how we can get more people to play it since its just too old to interest people. To be honest, it seems we are too many clans in such a small game, its not possible to stay alive it seems. I am willing to dedicate more time to FEAR but not when our server is always empty and this forum is dead. I know its my fault aswell but everyone needs to be dedicated if we want to keep this game alive.

I have been involved in TGS for a very long time and dedicated a lot of time to this awesome clan, so i really want us to survive. The only way is to recruit active members and to get our server more popular. Ideas for new mods or maps and new game settings are welcome! We all need to take part in our return
Closed Account
Oct 02, 2012 4:14 AM
ezanrki wrote:
Hey guys,

Yea it has indeed been quite inactive for a while. I joined to play the other day but the server was empty so i joined MXT instead. I would love to get back into modding and making new content to keep the server popular but the problem is i dont have that much time anymore. i have a lot of schoolwork and like saw says, a lot of my time is dedicated to newer games which are more popular.

FEAR is stil a very fun game and its a shame to see it go down but I dont know how we can get more people to play it since its just too old to interest people. To be honest, it seems we are too many clans in such a small game, its not possible to stay alive it seems. I am willing to dedicate more time to FEAR but not when our server is always empty and this forum is dead. I know its my fault aswell but everyone needs to be dedicated if we want to keep this game alive.

I have been involved in TGS for a very long time and dedicated a lot of time to this awesome clan, so i really want us to survive. The only way is to recruit active members and to get our server more popular. Ideas for new mods or maps and new game settings are welcome! We all need to take part in our return

I know Konazo..LOL
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