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CTF 4v4
Oct 05, 2015 9:10 AM
Dankos King of the Gods - Joined: Jun 11, 2012
Posts: 134
Hola Amigos~! The last tournament is coming so I hope some of You would be interested of this. 4v4 CTF, Uwe, rats, mxt, V said They are in, +some mixes...10th Anniversary of Fear so I think There is no better time to organize the last cup. I wish We finish gather people who are willing to the end of the week. Greetings! All information below:
The main sitfe of Tournament:

And on FB
Oct 11, 2015 8:08 AM
|TGS|Pierrot Inactive - Joined: Mar 25, 2012
Posts: 56
hello there! server will be in usa, so mxt eau and v will have a big advantage about ping. If server is in europe i will be agree but it's not the case, and the ping make the difference in a cup with a lot of stress.
Oct 11, 2015 9:15 AM
Dankos King of the Gods - Joined: Jun 11, 2012
Posts: 134
Hey, yea servers will be in USA and Europe. Do you have fb or something to be in contact with You? Actuallywe have 8 mmembers in
Oct 11, 2015 2:34 PM
|TGS|Pierrot Inactive - Joined: Mar 25, 2012
Posts: 56
yep give me your name or mail adress
Oct 11, 2015 2:48 PM
Dankos King of the Gods - Joined: Jun 11, 2012
Posts: 134
I hope I will not have to contact with You by email

and fb Michał Plebański (white T-Shirt with sunglasses lol )
Oct 12, 2015 3:31 AM
|TGS|Chosen_one King of the Gods - Joined: Sep 01, 2011
Posts: 59
Hey, guys! I actually quitted FEAR few months ago by some personal circumstances. But this 10th anniversary tournament is smth I cannot miss
So if we have one free place pls take me in as a reserve player. Thx
Oct 12, 2015 9:16 AM
Dankos King of the Gods - Joined: Jun 11, 2012
Posts: 134
We have a problem becasue one team can have max. 6 players. This is stupid rule but what to do. I don't wanna create 2 teams because half of them (for example Mamba, Banger or Matys) don't have any contact with "enemy" team, also hard to catch them online so most probablt they won't play...We just miss a second leader for the other team. If You know what i mean, Our second team would just giving w/o all the time.

My idea is to keep the one team, We have around 8 members. I know some of us won't play becasue of time and just 4 place in the match but if anyone will be online then of course he can play I can't sign up all members so 1-2 members (Mamba and Banger, but i really duobt if they find a time to play) will be using a nick of member who is signed up

|TGS|: Pit008, RiP, Chosen_One, Pierrot, Dankoś', Matys.

Mamba and Banger - if they can play at the match then they can play except me in my nick (for example)

Chosen, be prepare to play at the matches, I could be in touch with You by FB or something, email is so slowly way to contact?
Oct 12, 2015 11:02 AM
|TGS|Chosen_one King of the Gods - Joined: Sep 01, 2011
Posts: 59
Fb is OK.
I actually moved to another place and havent checked Internet connection in games yet. It probably became even worse... taking into account the server is in NY, there are chances my ping wont allow me to play. I will try to check soon and let you know, Dankos. When does it start and what time? Is it already appointed?
Oct 12, 2015 12:26 PM
Dankos King of the Gods - Joined: Jun 11, 2012
Posts: 134
most_chosen_one wrote:

taking into account the server is in NY, there are chances my ping wont allow me to play.

Don't worry. Servers will be in America and Europe (smokers and one more) Yesterday with rats we played on smokers server and ping was low for europe people and these rats gays so I think ping should allows You to play Check it out in free time, pass to the server is og

Time to end signing up - 18th of October, so We have some days left. This is the official date. About time (i guess You meant matches) idk now really, most of us are in the same timezone so best for us would be late evening (GMT+1) but I know You can't play at this time, Well We'll see , We should not be worried about it yet, let's training! I hope your old skill will come back
Oct 14, 2015 3:46 PM
hannibal_l King of the Gods - Joined: Feb 11, 2014
Posts: 44
Ave Dudes,

nice to read that the tournament will be start next time, but I´m a little bit sad, that nobody was thinking of me dudes!

O.K., I understand that my skills are not the best.
Is it possible to just watch the games? It would be a downer at least.

Please dudes, be so kind and keep me up to date, maybe also via gametracker mail possibility. Thank you in advance and good luck (I´m with you dudes),
kindest regards