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May 29, 2012 9:48 AM
Non-member Joined: Apr 25, 2011
Posts: 93
khan_ wrote:
mrjack_3a wrote:
Had3S, can you just take your balls in your hand and admitt you were hacking. It is kinda disapointed me to see you trying to lie more and more. I think US deserve more respect from your part as far as they gave you everything. Your story change everytime, dont you feel just ridiculous?

ps: sry for the leaders of US, I know I m maybe not the guy who has to write those things, I know I m not in US anymore but I cant stay out of this topic as far as I ve big friends in this clan and it pissed me off to see that kind of lame reply from Had3s's part.

well jack i just explain my self very clear and by having servic.dll file it don,t make sense i was hacking.

and i have no need to lie as i said i m not a idiot to use UAC while using hacks so its clear everything i don,t use it even i did,t know that i still had some files in my pc.

and i m really surprised that i m that famous in 3A u all left US just cuz of me dude that's u who is lying around sky left cuz he kicked form server by schlot and he had his own ego so don,t blame me for that.

bella-- wrote:
The best way to excuse is shorter than this ; just accept what u have done and caused and then say sry ... Don't forget that lies bring new lies and no need for that ;This is just a game and as far as I can c these guys in US have already forgiven u HAD3S and with the things u've written here u r not helping them at all ;

1- I have been an A/SA for long and I never thought of trying cheats bcs it's clear that u can learn catching them by spending more time with them or by watching videos about them not by using the cheats urself ..(so ur reason always made me smile ..)+U have always been one of those admins who almost never used powers ,so I guess even using cheats hadn't helped u to catch hackers ..-.-
2-We weren't able to catch ya just bcs u were shutting/opening the cheats time to time not bcs u weren't cheating .. Sry to say this but we were all certain u used cheats .(At least Sky and I was )Idk how many times I left the server bcs of ur files causing me gey lags.
3-One of the reasons I made that post on admin panel was u yea and I was more mad when I saw u writing those bcs I hate it when people act as if they r innocent ..But what happened was they promised me to give that anti cheat a try but although I waited for months ,nothing happened and I got mad bcs it was impossible to play while cheaters were around and I left ...

So as a result, pls do urself and US a favor and say sry without giving excuses.. If some wanna forgive they'll just do it and they already have so no need for these movies ...

P.S:I posted here bcs my name was shining up there in Had3s's post

Stay Clean

<3 Ece

1st of all thx for ur participation dear y should i accept i was cheating if i did,t and from day 1st i had the same excuse that i forgot to delete some files which i downloaded.

1: u did,t saw me taking actions cuz u was,t that active since more then 1 year just check out ban list i ban most of the guys for using no-rec radar using long arms wall hack etc.

2: u make me laugh u guys did.t catch me cuz i open and close cheat u gotta be kidding me since last 1 year u guys did,t fine just 1 single time i m using it i m the player who play everyday almost 6 to 7 hours its mean in 365days 2190 hours u guys did,t find any proof cuz i did.t ever use it but u guys were thinking i am using hacks cuz with that high ping i m and was still too good for u all 3A guys. so top crying and get some skills.

3: then y did i say we should use anti cheats on our server cuz to ban my own ass no i also don,t want that any player use those cheats on server. its also a proof that i was,t using it that's y i was agree with u to use anti cheats of our server.

well at the end i was,t cheating and i ll,t do it ever cuz i don,t need to use it . that's y i was agree to play war against soh while UAC on.

Well I'm sure u forgot to delete the files since UAC couldn't have caught u and given us a proof if u hadn't forgotten or maybe u just couldn't manage to delete them properly ha

1-lol I wasn't active for a year? Guess mostly y ...Bcs I got pissed whenever u were on the server and left to play on other servers ..thx to u by this way I met a lot of good people

Lol if I'm gonna get skills by cheats like u , no thx I don't need them for sure and to be realistic I never played for points like u but I'm sure I have more skills than u have if u quit using cheats So u better stop crying not me bcs I've always been more brave than u ..(I was one of the top members in US and I left this even prooves how brave I am ,u got caught by UAC and what did u do? started crying

3-Wanting to use anti-cheat on server is not a proof at all since if it was like that murderers wouldn't be the ones to go to the funerals of their victims at first place
Well I still think it would be good and more brave of u to just accept what u did and excuse but naaaa y should u do that ha? U have skills bla bla ...

As I said earlier Stay Clean
May 29, 2012 10:02 AM
«|US|»Slash*DC Deputy Captain - Joined: Oct 16, 2009
Posts: 440
I think our 3A friends are right, Hades.
You just gotta come out and say it .. BTW, I was one of the many ppl who KNEW you cheated.
khan_ wrote:
u guys did,t fine just 1 single time i m using it i m the player who play everyday almost 6 to 7 hours its mean in 365days 2190 hours u guys did,t find any proof cuz i did.t ever use it but u guys were thinking i am using hacks

Actually, I had a video of you long time a ago when I was Inspector I guess.. Using No-recoil, I uploaded it to youtube, however it was only seen by me and Urna, we were watching you for quite a long time and we finally got what we wanted, considering you force yourself to spec and leave the server whenever you sense somebody watching you.
I know I should be on your side cos you're my clanmate and all but sorry bro, You're busted no more lies please.
May 29, 2012 11:34 AM
Non-member Joined: Apr 25, 2011
Posts: 93
Btw I would like to clarify one last thing here .. We aren't here for any war or as any kinda enemy ,we have posted here because we have spent long time/years for this clan and did our best to give US a good name and some of us left for the issue of cheating so u can be sure that seeing our ex-clan having a good reputation will surely please us and we r just trying to help but nothing else since we'll get nothing at the end of this . I frankly hope that US can get rid of this bad reputation about cheating since once I was proud of being US too..Lastly, I was sad to c this post on a public area wish u could care about ur clan more Had3s and posted it on a non-public thread so that u wouldn't remind people this issue over and over again..

I hope everything goes on well with u guys both in swat and in ur real lives..

P.S:Huge hugs to Coddie &Mave

Tc pls
May 29, 2012 12:53 PM
Mage Recruit - Joined: Jun 20, 2010
Posts: 94
Hades I have just seen this topic,bro everything isn't about killing more people.Life has changed hades,catching hackers became easier,I think it can be good if u try some new games too(example:Star wars old repubic very good game dude)but I hope u play those games without giving cheats a try.

Good luck dude.Life isnt just about games,there is a real life outside
May 29, 2012 1:05 PM
«|US|»CoD_Schlot*CEO Chief Executive Officer - Joined: Sep 04, 2008
Posts: 424
bella-- wrote:
Lastly, I was sad to c this post on a public area wish u could care about ur clan more Had3s and posted it on a non-public thread so that u wouldn't remind people this issue over and over again..

He actually posted it in a non-public section.
I moved it to the public area since we don't want to cover up anything and saw a chance of straightening things out.
Everyone has known about this issue from the moment on UAC found corrupted files on his PC.
Sky drew attention to it by massively interfering in our internal process of handling this issue.
I don't mind having the public informed, but the way it happened is just nasty.
"I have been [...] reporting him for 1 year." What kind of proof did we have besides the feeling in our guts?
In dubio pro reo.
Anyhow the apology statement doesn't contain the entire dimension of this cheating issue. Thanks for proving that.
As I said: Time to reconsider.
Cheers & a big hug back to ya Ece

May 29, 2012 1:20 PM
Non-member Joined: Apr 09, 2011
Posts: 191
cod_schlot wrote:
"I have been [...] reporting him for 1 year." What kind of proof did we have besides the feeling in our guts?
In dubio pro reo.


The precautionary principle or precautionary approach states that if an action or policy has a suspected risk of causing harm to the public or to the environment, in the absence of scientific consensus that the action or policy is harmful, the burden of proof that it is not harmful falls on those taking the action.

Burden would be mine ,turns out i was right after all.

Sometimes you gotta quit thinking so much. If it feels right, it probably is. So just go with it.

May 29, 2012 2:46 PM
«|US|»CoD_Schlot*CEO Chief Executive Officer - Joined: Sep 04, 2008
Posts: 424
skywalker-- wrote:
The precautionary principle or precautionary approach states that if an action or policy has a suspected risk of causing harm to the public or to the environment, in the absence of scientific consensus that the action or policy is harmful, the burden of proof that it is not harmful falls on those taking the action.

We're not talking about some environmental or health issue here.
This is about a person.
I doubt you would risk taking an unfair decision by just following your intuition.
It's not our burden to prove that players got a clean record but our duty to dig deeper if we have suspicions.
We failed at that earlier.
Anyhow the situation has changed.
May 29, 2012 3:29 PM
Non-member Joined: Nov 23, 2010
Posts: 196
Could you 2 speak English please? I cant eaven understand this words lol

Hajduk živi Vijećno.
May 29, 2012 5:00 PM
«|US|»Michu*AM Assistant Major - Joined: Aug 30, 2009
Posts: 494
hmmm strange , U all guys sounds very unfriendly to Hades i have to be honest , ive never noticed that he could be even suspected in the case of using some hacks or something, i think u very overracting, i didnt like the way U treated Nightmare and oh he was the one who could be accused for cheating but Hades , to be honest He is good but imposible shots, or unusal prediction of some events, comon its not him , He has very bad ping. This all systems anti cheats have some bugs , i was victim of banning SKY clan member for using long arms on their own server which was imidately unbaned and they finished this with lot of laugh realy this kind of things hapends , i realy feel myself to belive Hades and at all i will take his side , realy u are overracting i wont say personaly who and when , Shlot is here very restrained but rest of U my dear 3A , U guys are definetly not . Ece u just are not created for first person shoting games sory to tell U that but U were asking for my rudnes in this point sory Hades can probably own u without or with cheats , with rest of U he could fight and take some wins i mean like with equal oponent ; )
May 29, 2012 5:06 PM
«|US|»Michu*AM Assistant Major - Joined: Aug 30, 2009
Posts: 494
Im defending U Hades a litle bit i hope im not that naive and i do right
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