feardana • PM |
Aug 16, 2008 11:40 AM
![]() Posts: 5 |
Oh right oh right ,
Here's the table: Place ||Team|| won ||lost ||points 1.)--- Londe.----- 0----- 0----- 0 2.)--- Death----- 0----- 0----- 0 3.)--- BOOM----- 0----- 0----- 0 4.)--- Grand----- 0----- 0----- 0 5.)--- Undes.----- 0----- 0----- 0 6.)--- EGT.------ 0----- 0----- 0 THE MATCHES: WEEK ONE Team Londerdam VS Team death star kings Team TEAM BOOM HEADSHOT VS TEAM your_granny_hasnt_a_twat Team Undestructable VS Team Euru Globetroopers WEEK TWO Team Londerdam VS Team Undestructable Team death star kings VS Team TEAM BOOM HEADSHOT Team your_granny_hasnt_a_twat VS Team Euro globetroopers WEEK THREE Team1 VS TeamTEAM BOOM HEADSHOT Team your_granny_hasnt_a_twat VS Team Undestructable Teamdeath star kings VS Team EGT WEEK FOUR Team death star kings VS Team your_granny_hasnt_a_twat TeamTEAM BOOM HEADSHOT VS Team Undestructable Team Londerdam VS Team EGT WEEK FIVE Team death star kings VS Team Undestructable Team Londerdam VS Team your_granny_hasnt_a_twat TeamTEAM BOOM HEADSHOT VS Team EGT The players in the teams: 1:TEAM LONDERDAM -[FRAG]GiljoYoulo -[FRAG]Starbuck -[FRAG] Trinaldo Introduction: 2: -[FRAG]Siemn*ThE*milf -[FRAG]ss -fido1888 Introduction: 3:TEAM BOOM HEADSHOT -[FRAG]Halkren -[FRAG]Horaquan -[Frag]Omega007 Introduction: 4:TEAM your_granny_hasnt_a_twat..(xDDDDDDDDDDDDD) -[FRAG]GEEMAN -[FRAG]Thomas{BEL} -[FRAG]NOob 5:TEAM UNDESTRUCTABLE -[FRAG]S_H_A_D_O_W -[FRAG]Boppe -[R!OT]Biders Introduction: //will follow// 6:TEAM EURO FIGHTERS -[FRAG]Dana -??? -[FRAG]GTR Introduction: //will follow// for the fact that many players are out we need reserve which we can pu i the uncomplete teams! Th gone players: fido1888[?] [FRAG]Phil his ps2 is broken [FRAG]windu le-b Nippy[?] The reserved players ![]() - - - So please all who want post and theyll be in! IMPORTANT I have an old clan side...The side of BL(black-lightning).I am able to make some changes for the clan contest.So ill make some forums for every team so there they canpost their tactics and other things. We need a new header for this page.Maybe someones able to make one? The page link is: http://www.blacklightningclan.tk u can all regist and use the side ill go there now and make some truly important changes.
Last edited by: feardana Aug 16, 2008 4:59 PM
darth-nick • PM |
Oct 07, 2008 6:44 PM
![]() Posts: 3 |
i can be a reserve.
sorry little bro did that and i don't know how to delete this message
Last edited by: darth-nick Oct 07, 2008 7:03 PM