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Massive drop in serverrank
Aug 21, 2011 5:50 AM
Joined: Jul 28, 2008
Posts: 92

So i know GT had some problems and the server graphics and stats weren't available for a few days. I also saw in the forums where members were pointing out this problem, a GT admin or something told that these problems wouldn't effect the ranks.
Today our server rank has been updated and we went from the 86th place up to 146th!!!

Our server never went empty except for last night arround 04:30am cause of a server crash. This can never be the problem why our serverrank dropped so massively.

If you take a look at our servergraphics you see about 3 drops like the server went empty and got filled up real quick.
I can tell you that the server never emptied at those times man i was there myself playing on it.

This is our server;

Aug 21, 2011 12:39 PM
Joined: Sep 27, 2006
Posts: 10924
50 ranks in a game with 4600+ servers on GT is a very small jump. You should expect it to get back to where it should be in approximately one week, since the ranking algorithm looks closely at this time period for the most part.
I am retired from GameTracker after 11 years and will not be responsive for support requests.

Aug 22, 2011 5:41 AM
Joined: Jul 28, 2008
Posts: 92
Ok fair enough but how do you explain the drops in the graphics?
Sometimes it shows server empty and really quick full again while actually server was full all the time.
It should have been a straight line.

Also at this very moment it shows the map Nelson Bay being played while oasis is on at the moment.
So there is major lag in the update and also incorrect graphics.
Specially the incorrect graphics should have effect on the ranking of the server. I mean a straight line throughout the whole day or 10 drops to 0 during the day makes your server fall down in its ranking.
The server is specially during the day completely full at all times man.
Aug 22, 2011 10:23 AM
GAMETRACKER ADMIN Joined: Oct 29, 2007
Posts: 560
There is an issue causing a certain group of servers to scan slowly. I'll be looking into this today
Aug 22, 2011 12:56 PM
Joined: Mar 18, 2010
Posts: 8
Same problem here
It looks that the scan now is 1 time in 60 minutes or longer

Full server and the line is down
Aug 22, 2011 4:46 PM
GAMETRACKER ADMIN Joined: Oct 29, 2007
Posts: 560
Your servers should now be scanning at a normal interval. Thanks for reporting this bug.
Aug 22, 2011 6:14 PM
Joined: Jul 28, 2008
Posts: 92
Yep seems to be doing fine now cause it shows the map that is actually playing on our server.

Thanx for fixing it!
Aug 23, 2011 1:02 AM
Joined: Mar 18, 2010
Posts: 8
deathhasabeard wrote:
Your servers should now be scanning at a normal interval. Thanks for reporting this bug.

No thank you for fixing it