GameTracker > Forum > Bug Reports [RESOLVED] > Server game type changes from Garry's Mod to CS:S by itself - Instant Cloud Server Deployment
Forum Home > Bug Reports [RESOLVED] > Server game type changes from Garry's Mod to CS:S by itself
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Server game type changes from Garry's Mod to CS:S by itself
Nov 10, 2011 9:37 AM
I've been running this Garry's Mod server for years, I havn't changed anything on it in over a year, except for the normal updates every few months.
A few weeks ago, Game Traker decided all by itself to change the game type to CS:S
My daughter asked my why our Gmod server is now ranked so low on this site, so I looked and logged on and changed the game type from CS:S back to Garry's Mod. The ranking went back up, problem fixed I thought... NO, a few days latter and Game Tracker decided again all by itself to change the game type to CS:S again. So I canged it back to Gmod again.
2 weeks went by and all was good.
Then today once again Game Tracker decided to change the game type from Gmod to CS:S again, why? it had been fine for 2 weeks.
So I changed it back to Gmod again.
Whats the problem with Game Tracker?
Is there a fix for this problem?
Dose anyone else have this problem with Gmod servers listed here?
Game Tracker used to work fine for years, but the last month it keeps braking
Nov 10, 2011 11:22 AM
GAMETRACKER ADMIN Joined: Oct 29, 2007
Posts: 560
Can you please provide the IP:PORT or a link to the page for your server?
Closed Account
Nov 10, 2011 11:29 AM
deathhasabeard wrote:
Can you please provide the IP:PORT or a link to the page for your server?

No worries, I should have put this in my first post.
Server OS is Windows 2003 SBS.
addy and port is:
link to GT page:

Closed Account
Nov 11, 2011 8:06 AM
Gess what?
Game Tracker just changed the game type all by itself again from Garry's Mod to CS:S
This happened some time in the last 2 hours, as I check it 2 hours ago and it was saying the game is Gmod, and I checked again 3 minutes ago and Game tracker had changed it to CS:S
So I logged on and changed the game type back to the correct game.
Please can someone from Game Tracker site fix this?
Nov 11, 2011 10:40 AM
GAMETRACKER ADMIN Joined: Oct 29, 2007
Posts: 560
Servers game types are automatically audited on a nightly basis.

Your server is returning a steamAppId of 240, as seen here This means your server is running Counter Strike Source according to the Steam documentation . Garry's Mod servers will return a steamAppId of 4000.

This is the only Garry's mod server we track with this problem - My best guess would be that this server has a unique, non-standard installation. You'll need to reconfigure/reinstall your server so that it correctly reports its steamAppId.

Closed Account
Nov 11, 2011 11:14 AM
thanks for your replay.
that's weird, I've been running this server for years and have not changed a thing in years.
It was allways reporting as a Gmod server for years, it's only in the last month this problem has started.
I havn't changed a thing on the server to cause this change of steamAppid.
I'll check out all the config files and see if i can find the steamAppid number, as I'm not sure where to find it.
I do have 4 more questions,
1. how come it worked fine for over a year?
2. how come between 28.10.2011 and 10.11.2011 it worked fine?
3. could an update from steam cause this to happen?
4. could an update of source mod or meta mod cause this?

I only update the server when forced to from steam, as I don't belive in fixing things which are not broken in the first place.

If anyone knows where to find the steamAppid number in the gmod files that would be a help, thanks.
Closed Account
Nov 11, 2011 11:43 AM
ok, I looked and found 2 files with steamAppid in them, and both are allready set to 4000, I've never changed them in years.
I'll copy and paste the text from the files here to prove it.



and the file under that,


game "Garry's Mod"
title ""
title2 ""
type multiplayer_only

"developer" "TEAM GARRY"
"developer_url" ""
"manual" ""

SteamAppId 4000 // 218
ToolsAppId 211

Game |gameinfo_path|.
Game hl2
Game |all_source_engine_paths|hl2

See, the steamAppid is set to 4000 and has been for years.

Which brings me back to the same questions I asked in my last post.

1. how come it worked fine for over a year?
2. how come between 28.10.2011 and 10.11.2011 it worked fine?

maybe the wrong steamAppid is hiding somewhere else in another file?

Closed Account
Nov 11, 2011 12:02 PM
I found another file with steamappid in it, but it's not in the same directory that Gmod is running from. It's up a level in the C:\srcds directory.



Should this file be moved into the C:\srcds\garrysmod ?

In the C:\srcds directory there is a few sub directories, C:\srcds\garrysmod is where Gmod runs from, and C:\srcds\cstrike is where CS:S runs from.
Nov 11, 2011 12:13 PM
GAMETRACKER ADMIN Joined: Oct 29, 2007
Posts: 560
We began auditing server game types a month or two ago, probably the same time you starting seeing problems.

I'm not familiar with administering a Garry's Mod server so I can't provide much guidance in that respect.

If you aren't able to figure it out, you can send me links to the server(s) in question and I will add an exemption for them.
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Jan 06, 2012 8:45 AM
I found the problem, there is now 2 different source engines for css and Gmod. I run both game servers and they used to share the same common engine, now I have seperated them and the problem is fixed. It's just Valve doing there best to piss me off, and it worked
Anyway, at least both servers are running now and reporting the correct game to gametracker.