area51cheatserver • PM |
Jan 17, 2014 7:29 AM
![]() Posts: 9 |
I have not checked out other categories, but it seems like the Half-Life 2 Deathmatch server listing has become a mixture of many games. I can understand HL2DM mods being listed in the same section, but now lately I am seeing more completely standalone games, some of which already have their own section on gametracker (including CS:S and DayZ). So my questions are: 1) Does gametracker automatically change a server's category/section if the server is not claimed and the owner were to change games, but use the same IP/port? 2) If not, the Source query packet does return the game/mod type, so couldn't that be used to sort out the servers into the correct sections? Thanks, Anthony |
burn • PM |
Jan 17, 2014 8:25 AM
![]() Posts: 10924 |
GameTracker does have some game detection, but it is not available for all games.
Have you reported the servers you found to be incorrectly marked under the wrong games? ![]() |
loki • PM |
Jan 17, 2014 10:16 AM
![]() Posts: 13 |
The HL2DM server list is now so badly corrupted with servers playing mods (not remotely like HL2DM) or totally unrelated games that it's meaningless to have ranking.
The addition of mods appears to have got out of hand in recent weeks? I was also told to start reporting "offending" servers - but what's the point when these reports are ignored, and after all the mods have been added by gamtracker themselves which is encouraging server owners to use HL2DM. The number of out of place servers is such that reporting them one at a time is too big a task for one server owner. So I'm forced to make another suggestion make server "Rank" optional on the banners - because it's just a joke as it stands. We are not ranking on a like for like basis, so better not to rank at all or just blank that information out. I had one server drop hundreds of places when DayZ server were added and unfortunately the support here on the forum has been worse than disappointing. I've tried pointing gametracker at the problem and sought solutions but they are not really interested, and I assume because they grossly underestimate how many servers are involved. So again - please consider making Rank optional on the banners. |
burn • PM |
Jan 17, 2014 1:16 PM
![]() Posts: 10924 |
We hardly get any reports for things related to what you mention. In otherwords, less than a handful per week. In most cases it is a situation we address.
Unfortunately it is not reasonable to add and maintain support for a lot of little mods. However, if there is enough demand we will. Please post in the game request thread in the bug reports forum to make a request. The dayz thing was fixed within a day or two from what I remember. I'm sorry if this is not quick enough. You don't seem to have a post on it though. If you're in my hundreds of pages of PMs, unfortunately I don't provide personal support. I will double check with developers to make sure the game auditing script is still working properly for the games it is setup for. ![]()
Last edited by: burn Jan 17, 2014 4:27 PM
area51cheatserver • PM |
Jan 17, 2014 7:19 PM
![]() Posts: 9 |
burn wrote: Thanks for the reply. There are definitely too many servers to manually go through and check if they are not sorted correctly. As long as the CSS and DayZ servers get auto-sorted in a few days, that's not a problem. The only other game clogging up the HL2 Deathmatch category would be "No More Room In Hell". This is a standalone game on steam that reports back "nmrih" when queried and can be found with the map names starting with "nms" or "nmo". Currently this game has more running servers that Deathmatch itself, so it probably should get its own category. Just a suggestion. Thanks again, Anthony |
loki • PM |
Jan 18, 2014 8:23 AM
![]() Posts: 13 |
burn wrote: My previous posts on this subject ... I don't use PM. I've just looked at the first 51 HL2DM servers on gametracker Only 10 of these servers are playing HL2DM - that includes those playing COOP which although not pure deathmatch has always been in the listing. The DayZ servers - yes some were removed but many others are still listed. Some have been reported individually, they are still there or have returned? The volume of servers hosting No more Room in hell and Dayz are the main offenders. They should be removed and given a new home. There are 680+ servers listed playing HL2DM on gametracker ... compare that to (just checked) on "Steam" some 430 servers listed, filter that further to include those hosting pure deathmatch maps (prefix dm_ ) I saw only 180 HL2DM servers, which is actually pretty near the mark for today. Either way it goes someway to indicate how far adrift gametracker's server current HL2DM server ranking list is ... it need not be this way, and lets be clear the anomalies are gametracker's problem, not mine. |
burn • PM |
Jan 18, 2014 11:02 AM
![]() Posts: 10924 |
Again, as I mentioned before I am in touch with the developers to determine if the game auditing script is still working and if it can be expanded further.
Since we are unable to join 130,000 servers on a regular basis to verify games manually, we try to expand the options on how others can let us know (ie. the report feature) since they play the games far more frequently than us. Again, thank you for your feedback but please understand that we do not have nearly enough time to manually verify each and every server on the website. ![]() |