GameTracker > Forum > General Help > Unfair ban for nothing related with me and admin who calls himself IR red - Instant Cloud Server Deployment
Forum Home > General Help > Unfair ban for nothing related with me and admin who calls himself IR red
Unfair ban for nothing related with me and admin who calls himself IR red
Aug 11, 2016 1:55 PM
Joined: Jul 27, 2016
Posts: 1
Dear admin and moderators of this website... i would like to avoid further confilcts with you and directly with red... my nickname is Sk in the game...and i used to use it for a long time...Notwithstanding, that i do not use anything like hacks, special programs that can improve accuracy in game and so on. But nevertheless, the fact that i have been kicked from |!R| servers where i used to play. I tried to find contact with red but he did not want that. There were no any testimonies related with my like blatant conviction. I would like to distinguish that fact again,that i have never used such programs for improving skills. In addition, i do not have steam...because i have never used it... i can prove my innocence and can play with anyone who can offer me.
Thank you for understanding ... and I am appreciate such help.
Aug 11, 2016 2:18 PM
Posts: 4221
Gametracker does not administer any of the game servers registered here.

Gametracker does not involve itself in the administration of the game servers registered here.

If you have an issue with a game server; take it up with the administrator of the server, if one is listed on their server page.

There is nothing we can do to assist with game play disputes.

I am a community user. I do not reply to private message requests for support.
Hint: I do not accept (or reply to) personal requests for re-ranking or unbanning.
You must use the forums please.

Forum Guidelines | Reporting abuse | Guides & FAQs | General Help
Last edited by: chimaera500 Aug 11, 2016 2:24 PM
Aug 11, 2016 8:40 PM
Joined: Aug 07, 2016
Posts: 310
sk96 wrote:
Dear admin and moderators of this website... i would like to avoid further confilcts with you and directly with red... my nickname is Sk in the game...and i used to use it for a long time...Notwithstanding, that i do not use anything like hacks, special programs that can improve accuracy in game and so on. But nevertheless, the fact that i have been kicked from |!R| servers where i used to play. I tried to find contact with red but he did not want that. There were no any testimonies related with my like blatant conviction. I would like to distinguish that fact again,that i have never used such programs for improving skills. In addition, i do not have steam...because i have never used it... i can prove my innocence and can play with anyone who can offer me.
Thank you for understanding ... and I am appreciate such help.

Well you just go to the server unban application through a website then you would wait for admin response . if you did not do any cheating then your unban application would be accepted and you will be unbanned.

As chimaera500 said Gametracker does not entertain about the server administrator issues. what ever issues you have with server has to go to their community website/url.

Hope that helps