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Lost rank
Aug 12, 2017 1:50 AM
Joined: Sep 08, 2015
Posts: 2
my server ip is and port is 28960. suddenly my server get derank. few months ago i put my free dns to my server. now dns free time is over. so my server ip and every thing change. i need my rank back. i was in rank 10 in cod4 server. server name is [sF]|Sri Lanka High Xp TDM Cracked . last dns address is . Plz help me
Aug 12, 2017 4:07 AM
Posts: 4267
Moved from 'Requests for Server Reranking and Unbans'.

Your server is neither de-ranked nor banned.
You have simply failed to follow the available instructions for a change of IP or dns name, as per this link;

There is no way to 'restore' rank.
Rank can not be given or assigned.
Your server rank will likely return to it's previous level within 7-10 days.

I am a community user. I do not reply to private message requests for support.
Hint: I do not accept (or reply to) personal requests for re-ranking or unbanning.
You must use the forums please.

Forum Guidelines | Reporting abuse | Guides & FAQs | General Help
Aug 12, 2017 11:29 AM
Joined: Sep 27, 2006
Posts: 10924
The server ( also appears to have been added very recently. You claimed it very recently and also changed the game. So in the course of the first few hours on the site, the server didn't have time to gain rank and when you changed the game it was reset.

If you tried to use the DNS feature you need to give more details, especially since that DNS address doesn't exist and it doesn't appear that you used the DNS feature.
I am retired from GameTracker after 11 years and will not be responsive for support requests.

Aug 13, 2017 12:56 AM
Joined: Sep 08, 2015
Posts: 2
yeah yeasterday i again added. bcz my server ip changed in to Due to dns time expired. then i added again my server ip again. and old one deleted. old one mean this domain is expired. so automatically my server ip was changed to but that is this web ip.few month ago i create my dns using this web site. i think u can understand wt im saying. after expire my dns time its automaticaly change to this web ip address. after that couldnt insert my server ip again. so plz can u check and fix this problem. its very help full to me

my ip is port 28960
Aug 13, 2017 3:29 AM
Posts: 4267
There isn't a 'problem' to fix.

When you add a server, it must earn it's rank.
If you have regular IP changes, then you will have to use dns to avoid losing rank, and being forced to re-add your server with a new IP.

It is simply not possible for us to 'assign' a rank. Nor would we wish to.
Rank is based entirely upon historical performance - statistics.

It is not possible to update the IP address of an existing server. Not even for us.
Again this can only be done by using dns.
The system is intended to work this way; for good reasons.

I am a community user. I do not reply to private message requests for support.
Hint: I do not accept (or reply to) personal requests for re-ranking or unbanning.
You must use the forums please.

Forum Guidelines | Reporting abuse | Guides & FAQs | General Help