pomarleanu92 • PM |
Jul 02, 2020 4:47 PM
Joined: Sep 14, 2016
Posts: 6 |
Buna seara! Detin serverul https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ si am observat ca am NR! Am facut sesizari ca pe serverul meu si a comunitatii LeagueCS sunt mici atacuri cu anumiti booti! Dovada: https://youtu.be/M6SyjS7hX14 Se vede clar cum aceste "specimene" incercau sa se conecteze, dar le-am bagat numele la SLOT si nu mai puteau sa se conecteze in data de 30 iunie, exact cand am facut o sesizare in legatura cu aceste lucruri! Daca observati, la majoritatea le-am cerut sa-si faca cont pe gametracker si sa-si rezerve numele! Nu am de ce sa incalc un regulament! In proportie de 90% sunt jucatori reali. Este logic, ca din ianuarie si pana in prezent, de cand detin serverul acesta cu mod CSGO sa primesc atacuri, pentru ca este unul cautat de playeri! Daca nu gresesc, eram pe locul 59 cu serverul (Dovada: https://i.imgur.com/FDeUlru.png ). Se poate relua macar de la top 100? Ca daca va uitati pe istoricul serverului, incerc pe cat posibil sa urc corect in top! Si as vrea sa verificati putin mai bine de unde vin acesti booti! Nu o sa-mi bag booti pe server si nici nu voi baga eu pe alt server! Astept un raspuns in legatura cu aceasta problema! PS: Serverul ce baga booti este --> https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ EN Good evening! I own the server https/www.gametracker.com/server_info/ and I noticed that is NR. I made complaints about bots attack on my server and community LeagueCS. Proof: https://youtu.be/M6SyjS7hX14 It is clear how these "specimens" were trying to connect to the server, I added them as "slots" on the server, and they couldn't connect in 30 june, when i made the complaint about this things. If you noticed, I asked for my staff to register their name on GameTracker and reserve the name! I have no reason to break the rules! In 90% the players are real. It's logical that from January to present (since i have the CSGO Mode server) to get attacked, because is the most wanted gamemode by players. If I'm not wrong, the server was ranked on 59 ( Proof: https://i.imgur.com/FDeUlru.png ). Can we begin at least from 100? If you're lookging, I have a clean history with the server, and it ranked up on the GameTracker fair. I would like you to verify where the bots come from. I don't need to add bots on the server and I won't add them on other one! I'm waiting for your answer for my problem. PS: The server that add bots on my server is --> https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ |