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Forum Home > General Discussion > HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!
Dec 18, 2020 7:18 PM
Joined: Mar 23, 2019
Posts: 34
Ive noticed a few times in the past few months that gametrackers features had been unavailable due to uncertain issues., i believe at least 1 issue was an expired SSL certificate and today i noticed the features and site was down for atleast ten minutes, so i would like to thank game tracker for being here to continue supporting the communities and keeping up with the changing technologies. game tracker is thee original game tracking tech in my opinion; you guys have always really knew what was up!! so i say happy holidays to everyone! and thank you gametracker for being here for us!! cheers and DFDLY!!(DONT FORGET dr.N0 LOVES YOU!)
dr.N0's MYSTERIOUS SLAUGHTER HOUSE\_________________________
Dec 23, 2020 12:04 PM
Joined: May 10, 2019
Posts: 30
Hey happy holidays to u too!

Yeah they also were a few hours down like a week ago, but as you say, all things considered they deserve a lot of credit as there is no other tracker site like them, top notch quality.

I'm happy with a meta community as such, same for pcgamingwiki and reddit. I wish more ppl were into irc chat too.

I haven't been very active late this year, though. Best wishes!

Dec 24, 2020 10:36 AM
Joined: Mar 23, 2019
Posts: 34
CHEERS cuchillo! i know i havent been as active as ive wanted to as well this years been tough! so let us make next year even better! and bless our journeys as we continue to support our beloved gaming communities with gametracker!! wo0t wo0t! SOURCE ENGINE FOR LIFE! #SOURCEMODSMATTER!
dr.N0's MYSTERIOUS SLAUGHTER HOUSE\_________________________