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Forum Home > Bug Reports [RESOLVED] > Arma 2 server not scanning/dead
Aug 19, 2014 11:29 AM
Joined: Oct 17, 2006
Posts: 983
guenix wrote:
And as Chris already mentioned, problem is, that the V1.62 is still very popular, as there are mods which wont work/run well with the new V1.63. Not to mention, that there isn't an update for Ironfront...

I appreciate you posting that info. I don't play ARMA2 regularly, so I was not aware that the older version still receives a lot of attention.

Best regards.
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Aug 19, 2014 1:04 PM
Joined: Aug 04, 2013
Posts: 12
maul wrote:
I appreciate you posting that info. I don't play ARMA2 regularly, so I was not aware that the older version still receives a lot of attention.

To be honest, i'm not sure how long (or IF) it will stay that way at all. Because more and more communities are quitting Arma2, focusing on Arma 3 (or at least planning to switch - so do we). There are multiple reasons for that, but i think that gamespy shutdown, with everything that came with it, was some kind of... a "deathblow". Have a look at the gametracker server list, ~60 people are playing ace atm... some months/weeks ago there were hundrets.

It's a present development, which i didn't recognized two weeks ago. Otherwise i wouldn't have posted.

Sorry for that long post, but i'm writing this, because i will feel really bad, if you guys put a lot of effort into changing your query-code, just before we decide to turn all 3 servers off. Even if i would like to see the Ironfront Server back on Gametracker, just to show the people that there is one single server still running...

Best regards,

Sorry, for putting your thread in that direction.