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My server is banned or removed from ranking
Sep 22, 2015 9:31 PM
Joined: Sep 27, 2006
Posts: 10924
GameTracker uses a variety of measures to ensure quality server listings. We may derank a server (remove from ranking), ban a server, or simply revert an action on the page. Any action we take is the result of a careful review of the facts.


Derank - This disables ranking. A message appears on your server page. It will also show your rank as "NR" rank (or sometimes a very high rank) and put you at the end of the ranking.
Ban - This deletes the server from the site and prevents it from being added back.
Revert - Depends, but typically involves removing something from the server details block.


- More than 3 fake players or undetected bots.
- Excessive idlers padding stats.
- Abusing page management features, such as adding links to game torrents.
- Unsupported game
- Duplicate server pages
- Trade, idle, and achievement maps on TF2 & CSGO
- Use of player/rank 'boosting' services - Boosting rank services

Bans may become permanent if...

- Repeat offenses.
- Intent to hide (blend in) the bots.
- The entire IP was blocked

Some things we don't care about

Changing the location flag
Free speech - We will only remove content like spam, personal attacks, pornography, illegal content, other items at our discretion.
Personal vendettas - We do not care how much you dislike their server, their admins, their country, or anything else.
Using "your" server name

Common questions

Q. How do I appeal an server ban or deranking?
A. Make a post in and include the requested information.

Q. How do I increase my chances of getting a favorable result when I ask for a reversal?
A. Read the post. Follow the instructions. Act civilly.

Q. Will you re-rank my unclaimed server page?
A. No. You must own the server page you are applying for.

Q. I demand to know why / see evidence
A. No

Q. Why do my general topics relating to my de-ranking or banning get deleted?
A. See the question immediately above this one.

I am retired from GameTracker after 11 years and will not be responsive for support requests.

Last edited by: chimaera500 Jul 07, 2019 9:44 AM