GameTracker > Forum > General Help > Copying server names of other clans? - Instant Cloud Server Deployment
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Copying server names of other clans?
Dec 21, 2015 1:09 PM
Joined: Apr 13, 2011
Posts: 7

I see that someone is using my name and my website in their servers name, is that allowed or not?.

I allready messaged their gamehost to see if they can send the owner a message to remove it,

i dont want people using my name or website, even when they just try to help me out creating servers... as the servers dont use my settings and dont follow my clanrules etc.

any idea how to get rid of those "fake" servers?
Dec 21, 2015 1:59 PM
Posts: 4260
Try reporting them directly to gametracker;

Explain the reasons you think they should be removed.

Offenders are normally dealt with in 7-10 days.

I am not sure, but they may not actually be breaking any rules, but it's pretty lame behaviour as you describe it.

Burn may have a better answer for you.
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Dec 21, 2015 2:07 PM
Joined: Apr 13, 2011
Posts: 7
oke thanks i will do that,

its possible that a good person just tries to help me setting up other servers, but i didnt hear anyone about it so i prefer its going to be removed.

thanks for ur reply
Dec 21, 2015 7:55 PM
Joined: Sep 27, 2006
Posts: 10924
Please note that if you are reporting a server on the sole basis of them copying your name, you'll need to submit your notice of claimed infringement. GameTracker's legal contact is listed in the TOS. Keep in mind, you would need documented, legal rights to be the only one using the phrase.
I am retired from GameTracker after 11 years and will not be responsive for support requests.

Dec 22, 2015 12:23 PM
Joined: Apr 13, 2011
Posts: 7
the point is that they use my complete website name etc... the website that they mention in the server is mine, so i can prove that its my website... and on my website u also can see my servers and server names etc, its a realy copy paste thing
Dec 25, 2015 7:58 AM
Joined: Apr 13, 2011
Posts: 7
I messaged gametracker and i messaged the host of the server, the person closed the server or gametracker did... or the host did... anyway many thanks that its possible .

good to see people cant just copy everything
Dec 25, 2015 10:31 AM
Joined: Sep 27, 2006
Posts: 10924
I'm glad to hear they changed the name / shut it down either in response to your request or coincidentally at the same time.

And in the future, if you have any questions like that for us, you can simply send your notice of claimed infringement proving that you own exclusive rights to the text. Without having your lawyer submit that to us, we are unable & unwilling to censor the website on your behalf.
I am retired from GameTracker after 11 years and will not be responsive for support requests.