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Rules, Ourselves should matter
Jun 02, 2019 6:52 AM
Joined: Apr 25, 2016
Posts: 2
Hi All,


I'm hoping you'll accept my view and my opinion about what I'll say.

I don't wish to offend any Moderator or Administrator here, I respect you've new rules or rules on this Gametracker but your rules is not working for us and you.

Adding only one post for requesting de-rank and combine all games or voice in one post, no answer back on review and people will agree with me, you don't have a proper system to rely on de-rank or banned servers.

1) Idle will not tell you it is a bot or not, here will agree many people with me. I'm keeping as many users my PC ON and I'll be idle hours and uptime days. (CAN YOU JUDGE ME AS BOT FOR THAT ?)

2) Your rules no make sense as we are legitim people and you should start to treat as people, not bots.

3) As a community (Gametracker), we should receive back from you respect and let us speak (WE ARE YOUR PEOPLE) we make Gametracker greater we are part of your growing because us and ourselves should matter.

I know will be lots of abusers and I know clean will be the best solution but like I say I wish this post will not be removed and I hope this will be a real discussion because ourselves should matter.

Regarding idle this must change because I'm not a bot and rest of the player are not, or changes suggestion must be taken. I know you can see IP and other information as (query guest) or on a game server.

I will not stop my view and my opinions about how you decide or how you handle us as we trying to respect or do the best to respect you!

PS: I'm not telling you what you've to do. I just wish to let us as well to give feedback and receive from you an understanding of all situation.

Thank you
Last edited by: christiangabs Jun 02, 2019 7:03 AM