- Instant Cloud Server Deployment
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Aug 23, 2010 11:13 AM
Joined: Feb 27, 2009
Posts: 3
hello, play for several years to unrel tournament. I had always associated my nickname to the server where I play. After a hiatus, returning to play, I notice that my nickname in the ranking is no longer supported by written profile, but is correctly associated. Why?
I also tried to remap but the result is the same.
Nickname: Bender
Are currently in position 51
Aug 25, 2010 12:24 PM
GAMETRACKER ADMIN Joined: Oct 29, 2007
Posts: 560
Thanks for reporting this bug, nicknames should be case sensitive.

I believe the name that stats are being recording for is "BeNDer".

Please go here and click on the text that says "Click here to link this player to your profile."
Aug 29, 2010 11:28 AM
Joined: Feb 27, 2009
Posts: 3
Thanks for your reply.
I deleted the old nickname associated, and the page you reported I "Click here to link this player to your profile."
but in my profile I still registered as Bender, and not BeNDeR, and then I have not solved anything.
Aug 30, 2010 3:23 PM
GAMETRACKER ADMIN Joined: Oct 29, 2007
Posts: 560
Glad you posted a reply, found and fixed the issue. The patch for this bug will go up with the next site update. In the meantime, I updated your account with the correct nickname.
Aug 30, 2010 4:17 PM
Joined: Feb 27, 2009
Posts: 3
Thank you for quick response and resolution of the problem