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Celtic Alliance is recruiting
Oct 27, 2014 8:39 AM
Joined: Aug 24, 2008
Posts: 22

"Loyalty. Honour. Teamwork."

The Celtic Alliance is seeking new members and is looking for you!

We are a European based clan playing Arma 2 / Arma 3, and are looking for players who preferably play both.

We are a relaxed group of people, but when needed are serious about training, procedures and working as a team. We aim to be active during the week and the weekends.

We have a tactical mindset, but we are definitely not hardcore tactical realism. Like many other clans we incorporate existing tactics into our game play, but we use them in such a way it fits our style of game play. Our focus however is always on teamwork and achieving objectives as a team. We also try to stay as vanilla as possible to allow the majority of players to play with us without too many mod requirements. We however do use some mods to make it easier for us to achieve the style of game play we are looking for, but we are definitely not using radio enhancement mods and the works because we either found our own way to achieve this or just don't see any use for it. As such those who decide to give us a try will discover we do things in a rather interesting way.

People that join our ranks start out as normal privates and are soon given the opportunity to assist the clan with a multitude of tasks. As they continue to rise in rank they get even more responsibilities and are eventually given the opportunity to get involved with leadership. We also offer our members a set of duty units, jobs performed by members with specific ranks to assist clan leadership.

Our system of ranks, which is entwined with responsibilities and jobs, is based off the US Army ranks. As with the tactics we use we approach the usage of ranks in our clan in a different way than other clans. Just like in many other clans higher ranks get more responsibility, but people do not have to go through lengthy courses to become something. Instead we focus on the experience shown by people and, if needed, help them grow into their role.

If you are looking for a clan that does things slightly different than other clans don't hesitate to enlist on our website. Or, if you want some more information about us first, feel free to visit our TeamSpeak server.

We offer:

- A relaxed group of people.
- Our own website:
- Our own TeamSpeak 3 server: No password required.
- Two Arma 2 servers, a public server and a private training server.
- Two Arma 3 servers, a public server and a private training server.
- Weekly game nights on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
- Training. Once a week on Sunday evenings.
- Personal uniforms with awards, medals and ribbons.

We seek:

- Clean players. No hackers, cheaters or exploiters!
- Friendly players. No attitudes, arrogance or similar behaviour.
- Involvement when needed. Think of active forum usage, providing feedback, attending training etc.
- Players able to commit themselves to rules and procedures.

Other requirements:

- You are at least 16 years of age.
- You have a working microphone.
- You have Teamspeak 3 installed.
- You are able to speak English. We understand if English is not your primary language though and encourage best-effort attempts at posting and speaking in English.
Last edited by: metalgearsolid Jul 16, 2015 4:53 PM