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Game Rank
Score tracking?
Jan 31, 2012 10:54 PM
Joined: Jun 25, 2011
Posts: 1
My score on game tracker seems not to be calculating score good.What can i do? Thanks in advance. Lt.Hemp
Apr 13, 2012 2:39 AM
Joined: Apr 13, 2012
Posts: 2
Hi Lt Hemp.
Ive had the same problem lately too. I'm on CKUA Old school server. I've played the last few nights and estimate about 400 points aren't showing. Only some points from 1 night are showing. My brother noticed the problem a couple of months ago and doesn't really play now because of it. Hopefully someone can shed some light or admin can fix the problem. I await a fix
Apr 13, 2012 3:10 AM
Joined: Apr 13, 2012
Posts: 1
Yes, i suffer the same problem :'(
Apr 13, 2012 7:21 AM
Posts: 4267

No player score tracking for almost 2 days.
Before that the updates were taking several hours to show on the server page.

Also noticed that one of our servers has been scanned less often (hours not minutes longer) than 'normal'
I am a community user. I do not reply to private message requests for support.
Hint: I do not accept (or reply to) personal requests for re-ranking or unbanning.
You must use the forums please.

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Apr 13, 2012 8:29 AM
Joined: Sep 27, 2006
Posts: 10924

Your rank should begin to level out. If you still have issues beyond the results of the scanning bugs earlier this week, but sure to post in the bug reports forum. Here is a response from another admin after the scanning bug:

Unfortunately, we've experienced some small services outages over the past several days. This has affected some stats. We are not going to alter any player stats that were logged incorrectly. There aren't any user controls on GT that will allow you to reset player stats either. I apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused. As of now, your scores are populating properly. Over time, these will average out.
I am retired from GameTracker after 11 years and will not be responsive for support requests.

Apr 16, 2012 6:27 AM
Joined: Apr 13, 2012
Posts: 2
Still little joy with my scoring. only got scores from Saturday (and its only about half of what I actually got. nothing showing for sunday or todays progress. Any ideas why they arent populating. my brother (player name Generalfeldmarschall) is also having the same problem.
Help please. Its not the same when we cant track the scores.
Jul 31, 2012 1:58 AM
Joined: Jul 19, 2008
Posts: 36
I've always assumed it only records you having played if you finish a map. Idk.