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FFTF is Recruiting for C2 [PC]
Apr 12, 2012 6:51 PM
Joined: Sep 20, 2009
Posts: 6

Join the fight, The Fight for the Future!
Tournament Sponsored by Viper Tournaments.


what makes this tournament different from other BF3 tournaments?

Fight for the Future is an organized Battlefield 3 tournament that places players into the position of a soldier in an organized army. The armies involved in our campaigns are led by Generals and their command staff and split into various divisions (ie. Infantry, Armor, Air Force, Special Forces, etc). Once a new player has joined an army they can hop onto our tournament teamspeak server and join in on division practices, as well as take part in our weekly battles. Our tournament caters to both the casual battlefield 3 player looking for something different, as well as the hardcore player. We have members sign up individually, in groups of friends, as well as entire clans, no matter how a person joins, we can accommodate them and keep them together with friends or clanmates.

We are a tight knit community of all ages, where it isn't uncommon to see guys from both armies pubbing together after playing against each other all day during a battle. Alright, so all that doesn't really make our tournament different, but the truly unique feature powering Fight for the Future besides the players themselves, is the Interactive Tournament System (or ITS)

What are the Costs?

FFTF is totally free like the rest of Viper Tournaments - tournaments. all donations are more then welcome but aren't necessary.

Explanation of our Interactive Tournament System (ITS)

The Interactive Tournament System (ITS), was developed specifically to give tournament members in which they could “interact” with various features within the tournament website. The ITS was also designed to give higher ranking officers within the tournament the management and control over their armies and divisions. The core of the ITS is broken to these main categories:

The FFTF Story

As a new campaign within FFTF begins, a new story is written and adapted according to the events that result from battles played over the weekends. This ongoing storyline would occasionally feature certain members of the tournament. You can there read the story in a linear format from the first campaign to the current, and see where, depending on the decisions those Generals made at that time, affected the course of events within the story.

Tournament Battlemap

Fight for the Future has its own campaign Storyline and this includes a Interactive Tournament Battlemap with 13 Territories per side where each General can place their Attacks, Generals will also have 4 to 5 Campaign Objectives (depends on Campaign Storyline) wich are only given to Generals/HCO/CO staff. A Campaign can be won without completing all objectives. If a Generals Army wins the Campaign + all objectives completed then he will be placed in the FFTF Hall of Fame and awarded the Generals Star of Excelence!

The Briefing Room

The Briefing Room was designed to eliminate the need for players to search through threads and threads of strats and upcoming battle/scrim information. The Brieifing Room gives a player the ability to view the current strats for the upcoming battles.

Reporting 4 Duty

Reporting 4 Duty is a sign-in sheet which each army member has the responsible of “Report for Duty” for weekly army meetings, practices, etc. This is mainly to keep track of a player’s particular activity, not only on the forums, but in practice and battles. All of this information for each individual is relayed to his superior officers.

ARAS Terminal(General/CO Office)

From here the General has full control over his army and manage it as he sees fit. A General can also manage each individual division within his army, promote members, transfer members to a different division, award medals to his army, manage his army’s rankinsignias avatars and more. This area gives the General full control/access to manage his army. Along with working to complete his Campaign Objectives throughout a given campaign, the General also has the ability to delegate certain duties to his HCO staff and divisional leaders. example of these include:

RCOs – Roll Call Officers. - These individual would be responsible for the daily or weekly rollcalls for his division.

FFTF Medal Display Case

As a soldier progress throughout a campaign, he will be awarded medals by his COs. There a many different varieties of medals that are awarded to each individual of a given army. The ITS is a continuing system that is weekly being developed with new ideas and integration into the tournament to give tournament players a new experience and level of tournament game-play.

Battle times

Matches, or battles, occur every weekend on Sunday starting from 12:30PM EST. For 4 hours each weekend, players can join our battle server and leave their mark on our story. Members can play for as little or as much as they wish, and throughout the course of a battle their actions can allow them to recieve promotions, medals, ribbons, and various other awards that are then displayed in the tournament medal case.

Our BETA Campaign 1 is over and FFTF is already started the 2nd BF3 tour this campaign we have two armies setup for players to join, the Norwegian Armed Forces and the Russian Armed Forces. These armies are tied into our interactive storyline and their victories and defeats directly impact where our story goes as well as our next campaign.

Player limit

There is no limit currently. For balance reasons during battles we try to keep the number of players per side within a set number, otherwise there's no limit to how many people can join.


Sound interesting? Sign up today, it's free to join and there's no obligation. Members can put as much time into the tournament as they like and becoming a member at Fight for the Future won't interfere with clans or ladders.

Come visit Fight For The Future today and see for yourself that it's like no other BF3 Tournament out there.

Tournament President

Tournament Chairman
Jun 22, 2012 11:48 AM
Joined: Sep 20, 2009
Posts: 6
Campaign 2 has ended and Campaign 3 is on its way, if ppl are interested in playing the new expansion pack (Close Quarters) in a tournament then dont hesitate to join us today!