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Assualt and Recon Corps (arc) is recruiting!
Dec 07, 2010 6:18 AM
Joined: Feb 15, 2008
Posts: 4
Assault and Recon Corps are looking for recruits to participate in the Euro Domination Black Ops (S&D/CTF) ladder.

About Us
We are 'Assault and Recon Corps'. An international multi-gaming clan that's been in existence for over 10 years!

We have many members from the UK, US, Europe and even Australia, participating in different games such as Call of Duty, Aliens vs Predator, Tribes:Vengeance, World of Warcraft and more.

We currently have a UK-based Black Ops server, but plan to get US and Australia based ones soon. You can find our server by simply looking for ‘ [Team Tactical]' in the server browser.

Aside from our gaming activities we have regular real-life gatherings, including Paintballing (ouch), visiting Mardi-Gras, and hitting Amsterdam, twice.... hard!

We're a very laid-back, hedonistic kind of group, so if we sound like your kind of people come and visit us at

Alternatively, you can find me on Steam as '<sumo>'