- Instant Cloud Server Deployment
Game Rank
2 New Server's 2 new clans
Feb 03, 2013 7:15 AM
Joined: Oct 07, 2012
Posts: 25
Small time dedicated server's first five server's for =|F|= are...
=|F|= TDM 1
=|F|= TDM 2
=|F|= TDM 3
=|F|= FFa 1
=|F|= FFA 2
Then there are five more for the =|GuN|=clan...
=|GuN|= TDM US1
=|GuN|= TDM US2
=|GuN|= TDM US3
=|GuN|= FFA US1
=|GuN|= FFA US2

And just to let you all know... these are not server's that you see on GameTracker... only on Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.

Thank You!
and I will see you all on the server's!
RIP idiot! it tickles! hahaha!
Feb 04, 2013 8:16 AM
Joined: Jan 31, 2013
Posts: 3
Hi I am resently the only admin, or should I say... Assistant leader on both of these clans. Reason being is because these two clans link to each other here on gametracker... We do NOT have server's that are visible on because our server's are Fire walled... and for good reason. Thing is we need more member's and admin's to donate so that we can have a server that people can join from all around the world! and so that we may have a website... (btw you don't have to donate... the request is not set for all members I know because I'm not donating... But we need some people who can... please help our clan become successful.
Feb 06, 2013 4:40 AM
Joined: Feb 06, 2013
Posts: 17